View Full Version : Has anyone read this book

05-02-09, 19:56
Claire Weekes - Self Help for your Nerves. I found it in the forum's recommended reading section and picked up a copy at the library.
Started reading it this afternoon and some things really ring true with me, I was shocked to see it was first published in the 60's. Has it helped anyone?

05-02-09, 20:00

I've read it a few times and I feel much better every time I read it. Alot of it does really make sense. Considering it was written so long ago I think it shows how little progress there has been with nrevous related treatment as most self help nowadays just say the same thing. That alone tells you alot about how good the book is.

All the best


05-02-09, 20:01
Yeah it's been out years and most of what she says still holds good for a lot of her suggestions.
I always like to read books by people who have experienced what they write about, you know then that they understand the promlems I think.
I think her books gave a base for a lot of other theories and books written since.


Veronica H
05-02-09, 20:06

Claire Weekes has been a life saver for me, and I can not recommend it enough. The Site has been a great comfort too. Glad it has helped you.


05-02-09, 20:08
Thats great, thanks for replying so quickly. What site are you refering to Veronica?

05-02-09, 21:33
Hi Bora

Reading her books really helped me to put my life back on the right track and I am so grateful to Claire Weeks for them. Don't be put off by how old the books are to me they were the only thing that helped.


Veronica H
06-02-09, 07:35
I meant the NMP site.:)


06-02-09, 07:40
That book was like a bible to me, propably the 2nd biggest factor to near recovery.

Deepest Blue
06-02-09, 08:13
Thanks for the recommendation, but I am looking in Amazon and there's quite a few different ones, are you talking about the one titled:


I want to get the right one.

06-02-09, 10:18
A friend lent it to me and its so good. Made me realise that some of my chronic symptoms, like butterflies, are acceptable and doesn't mean something serious is wrong.

06-02-09, 10:52
I bought both the Claire Weekes books a while ago but don't read them as often as I should. :blush:
To be honest, I do have a habit of thinking negatively and although a lot of what I read rang true, I focused on the fact that the book was written ages ago so much of it couldn't apply to me.
Tranquilization, subservience to doctors, housewives who couldn't manage to cook the right dinner for hubby..I tried to tell myself it was outdated and therefore that was another good reason for me not to put my faith in DR Weekes.
I did try and put some of the recommendations into practice and I KNOW that they make sense..but I kind of go at things half-heartedly.
I guess what it boils down to is my reluctance to believe in anything but my own ability to get myself better, which is a bit thick because I still have the same problems! :wacko:
I do wish I could put my faith in this and give it a proper chance. On the few occasions that I have tried (listening to her MP3 downloads while tackling the great outdoors) it has helped. Then I go and self-sabotage myself again.
Anyway, the point of all my waffle is to say that I do think the books make sense and will help in dealing with whatever ails ya. :)
Provided you're willing to follow the advice wholeheartedly!

06-02-09, 12:23
I think the problem with a lot of books on the subject of anxiety/panic/phobias, is that they offer you a way of overcoming a problem that when you read it seems absolutely rational, but in reality is a lot harder to put into practice. On the written page it all looks so easy and you wonder why you hadn't thought of it yourself. Some of the books tell you to do this and do that in a given situation and some of it works, but it's not as easy as they tell you it is. Far from it in my experience. I guess you have to take bits from all you read and try to see what works for you.

take care


06-02-09, 12:35
Hi there, I think that Claire Weekes is great and have read, "Essential Help for your nerves" as well as, "Self help for your nerves". I think they are great. I have even got a DVD with her on. I know that when you read things to help you, they seem rational but when you actually try and do it, it can be a different matter. I think the thing is to persevere with these suggestions. Far from easy at times, I know. But I now seem to be "getting there" slowly but surely.


Deepest Blue
06-02-09, 12:44
I've ordered the books :)

06-02-09, 14:01
i have both books and the one "Essential help" is now twice its thickness with all the 'post it' notes to be able to find my "reasurances quickly":hugs:
Really fantastic books.
Although they were written in the '60s all the advice is still relevant today - because - be honest - the medics have been very slow to look at panic anxiety etc :weep:
There are still many doctors who basically tell you "pull your self together" or "get on with your life" or "stop worrying you are fine...." or "it's all in your imagination!!!
Best wishes

06-02-09, 14:15
June I agree with everything you said in your post.
