View Full Version : Hello NMP

05-02-09, 20:43

My name is mark and I have been plagued with panic attacks for years! In fact just had another even with a skin full of Propranolol, which is what leads here and to a question if I may?

I spend loads of time on the net and I can't believe I have never found this place before. :unsure:


05-02-09, 21:21
... erm I don't know if I'm meant to ask here.

To cut a long story short, I have tinnitus, dizzinus, sickness etc etc... have been messing around with GP's, MRI's (all sound familiar I guess), been prescribed diazepam last week and today for the first time Propranolol (1 or 2 40mg tablets, 3 times a day).

I went to the doctor as I had a panic attack last sunday and wanted to discuss the fact that the diazepam didn't seem to bringing anything beneficial to the party. I took the Prop today 2 tabs foloowed by 1 tab 6 hours later and then had another panic attack.

Anyone have any views or advice on this, anything experience would be greatly appreciated.


05-02-09, 21:43
Hi Mark

Welcome to the site, glad you found us. I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


Vanilla Sky
05-02-09, 22:12
Hi mark and welcome to NMP glad you found us, like you i spent a lot of time on the net and was so relieved to have found this site, it has helped me a lot, maybe see you in chat sometime love paige x

05-02-09, 23:11
Hi Mark and welcome to NMP

You certainly have come to the right place to find information, advice and support, this place has helped me no end since I joined in October.

Chat is a great place to make new friends.


06-02-09, 07:47
Thank you very much for the warm welcome, does anyone have any comments or experience on my question? Or have I posted in the wrong place?

Thank you for again the welcome


Veronica H
06-02-09, 08:22
:welcome: Mark and glad you have found us. I have used propranalol, now down to a very low dose. It stopped the fight or flight part of the panic attack but just left me with waves of anxiety to deal with. I think my recovery so far has been down to a book called 'self help for your nerves' by Dr claire Weekes available from the NMP shop where there are also free downloads to your MP3 of her work. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us and how we can recover. This site has also been great for comfort and support.


06-02-09, 16:25
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the site. You will find support here. Sorry I have not been on that medication to help answer your question. There is a medication section where you could ask your question under the exact med. I do know that with SSRI's it takes weeks for the med to get into your system but don't know if this med is a SSRI. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


06-02-09, 16:34
Thank you very much guys. Really appreciated.

06-02-09, 17:39
I have a lower dose of Propanalol, which is fine to keep the low level anxiety just this side of a panic attack! Diazepam I have for emergencies when the panic threatens to get out of hand......stops me short of running down the street or phoning the paramedics (usually)...do not mean to be flippant but I have suffered for many years and think perhaps I have been fortunate enough to improve a bit. Last panic attack was just before Christmas and the Valium certainly calmed me.

07-02-09, 19:14
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx