View Full Version : Seperation is forever....

05-02-09, 20:54
I always feel this no matter what. As soon as someone I love walks out the door, I feel like the world has crashed from beneath me.

I am afraid, I get scared, I can't breathe, I cry, I am lost and everything around me goes into a spin.

What is wrong with me? Even if it's just for an hour or so. I can't even bring myself to let them go.

I am so terrified with the end result. They will be gone forever.


05-02-09, 23:12
Hi Duckie

I'm not sure what the answer is but you are not alone in this. I too feel this about certain people in my life, even people I don't see in person all the time - like people I rely on that I mostly write to on the internet.

Like you, I have lots of fears when they are not in touch and if one of them goes away I panic and fear something bad will happen and they won't come back.

I think all you can do really is try to reassure yourself that they are not going to leave you and statistically the chances of something happening are rare. Of course anything is possible, but the fear stems from imagining the worse.

I too struggle with this so I empathise :hugs:

Karen xx

06-02-09, 08:11
"a worried parents glance
as if its the last goodbye"

oh duckie hunny bee i understand so very much,i put a post under PTSD the separation anxiety and when that door shuts as they leave i have been known to wander round the house clutching things that belong to my beloveds,sobbing as if they were gone forever.

stay safe and please know i understand very very much :flowers:
ade x

06-02-09, 13:45
I think I understand what you're going through, I hate being left alone, it feels as though you'll always be alone. I'm not sure how to make it go away, but I've realised I've got to trust the people who love me to always come back to me.

Nikki x

06-02-09, 17:02
Hi Duckie

I know how you feel as I get the exact same feelings. I'm sure it is callled seperation anxiety. I worry the moment my hubby goes to work until he gets back home. I worry about my son being at work, my mum, my grandaughter etc.

I know that I am the only one that holds the key to solving this, but just find it so hard. I get my hubby to call me (I daren't call him as he is a builder and worry about him picking up the phone whilst up a ladder) I am having CBT at the moment and this is something I am trying to address.

Take care xxx