View Full Version : Panic disorder?

05-02-09, 22:33
Hi, i see a lot of posts on these forums about panic attacks in general, GAD and health anxieties. I suffer from panic disorder and am very curious to hear from other people who have been diagnosed with this specifically as i dont seem to come across many posts directly related to this.:)

im especially interested to hear if anyone suffers from panic attacks which seem to roll out for many hours? and does anyone suffer an 'aftermath' feeling (hard to explain) associated with this like kinda feeling unwell or unreal post panic attacks?

also do any of you have time periods of normality and then find, for no apparent reason your personality changes overnight and you become a nervous wreck once again?

im sure im not the only one who has these problems, but just in need of some reassurance:)

05-02-09, 23:04

Yes, I have recently experienced PA's which seem to "roll" over for hours. I find that I have the intense symptoms, then I am anxious for a while & the panic sets in AGAIN. I am absolutely exhausted both mentally & physically afterwards.

05-02-09, 23:14
Hi there,

Yes, I also have panic attacks that last for a long period of time. I am better now, but a few years ago my days seemed like one big panic attack.
Also, I know what you mean about feeling "unreal" afterwards. I feel completely exhausted after a panic attack.

Actually, my therapist diagnosed me with (and I quote) "severe GAD disorder with panic attacks", so you shouldn't worry, you are definately not alone in this...:hugs:


05-02-09, 23:24
I know exactly what you mean. I can be completely fine for a while and then - bam. I'm a mess. Panic attacks every day, and they seem to wax and wane for hours. The after-attack feeling is really weird. It's a spacey sort of post-anxiety anxiety, if that makes any sense at all. The 'personality change' really resonates with me because it's like the panic shunts me into a whole new person. Hate it.

07-02-09, 11:46
Yes, CJH86, just like to add that i have "panic aftermaths", where the full on panic threatens to recur after the first one. Agree and identify with the other contributors on this thread too.

Take care

07-02-09, 11:48
Just like to add that i'm in that state now, had 3 days of panic this week (work and weather related). So, so comforting to know others experience the same and are willing to share, even though it's a horrible condition to be in.