View Full Version : Please just stop me now

06-02-09, 09:55
I have managed to get myself in a right state and need you guys to talk me down - unfortunately, I hit Google, which has made me feel a hell of a lot worse.

I've got a chest infection (on antibiotics) and feel quite rotten. yesterday afternoon, I happened to look in the mirror and saw that the right side of my bottom lip had a slight blue outline. Well, I've not stopped thinking about it since.

I have been feeling short of breath, naseous and light-headed - in fact, every symptom of panic attack which can also be symptoms of heart/lung problems.

My husband and son say they can't see anything, although I am pale, but he says that is probably because I am ill and looking after an ill child.

I can still see it this morning and can't stop worrying about it. i immediately stopped smoking yesterday when I saw it (and haven't had one since and don't intend to have another one ever again) but I'm terrified that this is COPD or heart-block or one of any number of things I've looked at on the internet. I phoned my Mum and she said I'm probably just a bit cold and not to worry. thing is, i'm having horrendous chest pains as I type this.


06-02-09, 10:47
Good for you for giving up smoking! That's great.

When we're anxious we see all sorts of things in our bodies that we wouldn't otherwise notice. If your husband can't see it then it really can't be that obvious. My guess would be that what you saw was a vein, they appear blue under your skin. They are more or less obvious depending on all sorts of factors like your how cold or warm it is, the position of your limbs etc. They can be more obvious in certain light, too.

I once thought that one of my pupils was bigger than the other which completely freaked me out until I realised that there was a stronger light in one corner of the room and when I looked at my eyes in the mirror they had to move from one side to the other - getting bigger and smaller in the process :blush:.

My advice would be: stop hunting for symptoms. Try to relax and let the antibiotics take effect on your chest infection. Look after yourself with lots of hot, steamy drinks. Try to rest - maybe try curling up nice and warm with your sick wee one for a few minutes and reading him/her a story. :)

06-02-09, 10:53
Those symptoms you mention 'short of breath, naseous and light-headed' are typical of the chest infection doing the rounds in the UK. I'm not saying it is that, but it's very much like the 'bug' going around.
Relaxing if you can with hot drinks is really good advice. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon.
hope you feel better soon


06-02-09, 11:57
Thanks guys - I felt better about it and realised i was panicking about nothing as soon as I typed the message on here - strange isn't, how we work ourselves up when we know there is nothing actually majorly wrong.

Guess I need to relax and just take care of myself at the minute.