View Full Version : Had MRI this morning

Adam Thompson
06-02-09, 12:44
it was awfull, i had to have it redone 3 times as i wasnt keeping still, by body was twitchin i had chest pains, absoloutely horrible experience...i nearly fell of the thing when they opulled me out i was so dizzy, god knows how i refrained from pushing that panic button they give you. i was in such a state i forgot to get my belongings out of the locker on the way out had to go back for them, then i got completely lost on the way out. incredibly stressfull all round.

other than that it was fine, nothin to worry about


06-02-09, 12:48
Oh poor you, I hope the results are ok.

06-02-09, 12:51
well done for braving it out!

06-02-09, 23:56
I have had 7 mri's of my spine and brain over the years and I am always amazed that I survive each one as I am so terrified that my heart is going like a train and I am so tense I am sure I hover an inch off the table.

Well done for even going in in the first place

Adam Thompson
07-02-09, 03:28
sorry if i made anyone nervous who is going to have one lol, i just had to write that when i came back i was shaking lol

i couldnt keep still at all, i was just twitching around the whole time

07-02-09, 11:18
iv had an mri and ur not on your own i too was twitching and shaking i hated it lol

07-02-09, 11:57
I had an mri also and although i dont get panicky i was also shaking. With me it was the fear of what they were going to find, needless to say it was exactly what my doctor had suspected ......my discs. so please don't worry about it you done really well xx