View Full Version : Feel washed out..

06-02-09, 12:49
Apologies because im going to have a moan.
Ive had one cold after the other for months and just cant seem to shake them off properly before ive got another one.
I was okish yesterday, then last night i started getting stomach cramps...then this morning ive got the god awful trots (sorry)...feel sick but havent been sick and im aching everywhere...even my fingers.
I just feel totally washed out.
Waste of time going to doctors..theyre as much use a a chocolate firegaurd, and i havent even got the energy to go anyways! What i wouldnt give to feel well..
Thanks for letting me whinge..it helps

06-02-09, 13:07
Take some rehydration therapy (dioralyte or similar) - it will help you feel better sooner and stop you getting dehydrated.

Vanilla Sky
06-02-09, 13:30
Sorry u havent been well lesleya, maybe a good course of vitamins might help 2 get you back on ur feet be nice 2 urself, if i lived near u id give u a nice aromatherapy massage so ill send one 2 u !! Hugs honey keep warm, drink fluids take care x x

06-02-09, 13:41
Thankyou so much for your reples, its very kind of you both
I will get hub to get me some dioralyte as ive not drank much today which is unusual for me, as im diabetic so normally do drink a fair bit, and i just love having a massage...will maybe try that when im feeling a little better.
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

06-02-09, 14:30
Awwww Les :hugs:

This has been a pretty bad winter for viruses and it's so horrible when you get one after the other.

Drink plenty of fluids, get lots of rest and be good to yourself.

P.s I would moan too if i was you so feel free hun.

Hope you feel better real soon
Loads of love


06-02-09, 14:39
Thanks Lisa:)
I just get so fed up sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Its just not like me really im full of life normally so i think thats how i take it so badly being ill fr so long.
I find it hard to rest as i like to keep busy. This time though im not venturing outside until i feel totally better.

06-02-09, 22:47
Hope you feel better soon Lesley.
lots of love
Mags xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-02-09, 00:10
Hi Lesley
Hav'nt spoken to you in a while - sorry you are not feeling well. I think you and I must have been twins in another life!! I feel exactly the same. I cant remember when I last felt really well. Since before Christmas, I've had colds, a chest infection, sinnusitis, ear infections - in fact, you name it, I've had it. It brought my HA back with avengence. I get so angry with myself - so frustrating.
Anyway, hope we both feel better soon lol - its good to have a moan!!
love Judi xxx

07-02-09, 10:04
Hi and thanks margaret and judipat.
It is a long time since ive spoken to you judipat! sorry you not feeling too good either. I dont know where ive picked this thing up from but its totally floored me. I hope you start to pick up soon to judi...and anyone else thats not feeling too good. As if weve not got enough to cope with without these things too. I dont kn ow what id do without this site and the lovely people on it.
Heres hoping the spring will see off all these bugs.:)

08-02-09, 09:34
It must be the time of the year - since November I've had one thing after another (D&V yesterday after a chest infection last week etc,). Yes, it really dos make your HA worse, doesn't it?

08-02-09, 12:16
Aw hun you not well either...youve got all my sympathies honestly i know how your feeling. Ive had the trots bit like you but trying to stop myself being sick. I was up all night last night with cold sweats pouring out of me. Im just hoping tht everyone feels better when we get some sort of nicer weather.
Hope your better soon too.
Take care

08-02-09, 13:46

Hope you are feeling a bit better today hun.

Thinking of you
Love Lisa


08-02-09, 16:36
Thanks Lisa
I would love to say i am but im really not. Im still feeling sick and dizzy, stomach cramps etc and generally bleurgh! I dont know how ive got this as ive not been out that much lately with being off work? just wanna feel better because its getting me down now. Hubbys back to work tommorow and ive got an appt with my gp tomorrow for my sicknote so ive got to go out eventhough i dont want to as im not up to it right now but ive got to.
I will have to pull myself round, he will expect his tea ready when he comes in so i will have to as its not fair after hes been at work all day (he doesnt cook)...lol...god job ive not been eating the last few days!
Thanks for asking

Deepest Blue
08-02-09, 17:25

I've been feeling the same, I am almost definately attributing it to the weather, I just try to keep as warm as possible and drink lots of tea that seems to help!

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Take Care

08-02-09, 19:32
It's obviously doing the rounds - something simple like pasta for hubby is probably the way to go

08-02-09, 19:53
Thanks Deepest blue and thanks Bella.
Ive taken your advice and just had warm tea and dry toast..eww.
Bella... he will be lucky if he doesnt get it to wear pasta tomorrrow...the way hes going on at the minute...lol.
Why do some men make you feel like your being so inconsiderate being ill?
Thanks for your replies.

09-02-09, 10:34
oh, tell me about it - over the last four weeks I've had both of the kids ill and then came down with a chest infection last week and a stomach bug this weekend - and he had a go at me this morning because he didn't have any trousers IRONED this morning. hello, do you even know where the ironing board is???

He's lucky I didn't insert the iron somewhere only his proctologist could find it.

09-02-09, 12:09
OMG .... what a cheek
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
He mustve been cloned from mine ??
Mine complained when i got behind with my ironing last year with me not being well, so i told him to either put up or shut up.
So he grudgingly got the ironing board out :scared15: .....i had to show him how to put the thing up....show him where to put the water....what settings too use etc etc. The langauge that came from that room made me blush...lol so i went in to see how he was doing and he had his shirt off cos he was sweating using the steam and was whinging his back was sore:winks:
He ironed 6 of his own tops....(i dont wear clothes you see?)..took him over 2 hrs then said he'd had enough??:shrug:
He told me never to buy him any more plain white t-shirts for work because the creases dont come out ?..excuse me...they do if your iron them properly !
But best of all... he went and actually PAID someone to finish what was left until i felt better....aaaagh
Why cant he pay me.?
He couldnt afford me!:roflmao:
I hope your feeling a little better now though?