View Full Version : Hi

06-02-09, 14:26
Hi to all,

Have been sent this site by MIND as my panic attacks are getting worse and have been for months.I started with them when I was 13, not long after I had lost my mum.Never been so scared, thought I was dying.Had them throughout the years since, when I was in an A level exam, going to hospitals, doctors, visiting people in hospital.Plus about 4-5 years ago my sister died in hospital from a brain anerysmI could only get to the waiting room..Couldn't visit my grandfather in hospital a couple of years ago due to an attack.I couldn't get through the front door.He died not long after.
I also have IBS and was referred to a doctor there, but ended up having an attack whilst sat in the consultation.Never go to the doctors if I can help it.Recently I've just started to live on my own after my sister moved abroad.She didn't inform anyone of this and just left everything house, finances etc.I thought it was just a holiday.Think my attacks now are due to the fact I have been out of work for so long and can't get work.Even harder during the time we are in.
My doctor has give me pills which sort of work, when they kick in anyway.The effects just dont last very long.Plus I feel like I'm constantly in tears all the time.My family have only found out that my attacks have got worse in the last couple of weeks.Didn't want to worry them, as they have their own things to deal with.Had a really bad one nearly 2 weeks ago.It was going on for almost 45 minutes and I couldn't control myself.Had to get my friend to come and sit with me.
Not too sure what is going to happen next.I know my doctor has referred me to a nurse to help me cope when I have an attack, as I was never shown.Plus I always fight it when it happens, as I don't want to lose control of my body, aswell as everything else.
I'm just hoping that I can control them soon.I'm always exhausted after one and worrying about having another.

Sorry really long post, I know.Just glad there is other people out there, as I feel a bit like I'm going mad.


06-02-09, 16:32
Hi Kelly,

Welcome to NMP. I am so sorry for the losses in your life. Please know that you will get support here.

Take care,


06-02-09, 17:27
Hi Kelly

Welcome to NMP. Sorry to hear about your sad losses.

Pleased you have found us and I am sure you will like it here as there is so much support, information and advice.

There is a chatroom which is great to make new friends xxx

07-02-09, 12:01
Hi there Kelly , sorry to hear that you've had such a hard time , its so hard when you lose those close to you, hopefully this site will help you through any difficult times, and the chatroom is great and can really lift your spirits.


07-02-09, 19:13
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

08-02-09, 11:08
Hi Kelly, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear that you've been going through such a difficult time.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

08-02-09, 15:14
Thanks everyone for the replies.Currently at my sisters, as I had another attack as I was trying to write my post .Too many memories.Hopefullly all will be well soon.
Will get into chat soon,

Thanks again, it's very much appreciated