View Full Version : Need a PenPal - Please read.

06-02-09, 18:35
I need someone who understands what is it like not to have a stable mother. Who constantly goes behind your back and makes things so complicated. Someone who wishes that their moms wouldn't drag them down, make you feel guilty, always competitive and jealous when you do fun things with your kids or family and THEY ARE NOT INVOLVED.

I need to vent and have someone vent on me about it. It's so hard because everyone thinks I am the bad one. Always been that way. My mom has a great way of just making everyone believe she is such a saint.

She lies and I have caught her in so many. Everyone enables her to be that way.

So if you can relate, please PM me. I need the support.

07-02-09, 13:13
i have a mum like that. she is not so bad with me now as i fell out with her 4 over a year but she is terrible with my sister. she is really jealous that we ave our own mates and is always slagging us off to the other sibling. if u wanna vent feel free