View Full Version : Some reassurance please

06-02-09, 19:56
For about a month I have been having recurring but not constant bloating, upper ab pain, some middle back pain and diahrea. I keep telling myself that this is IBS or at least caused by my anxiety. I have been diagnosed with IBS but I have had similar symptoms in the past but never lasting this long. It seems to be worse about 30 min after I eat. Metamucil helps but it if I stop taking it the symptoms come right back. Before I google and find out that it must be something horrible can someone give me some alternatives that will ease my mind or at least let me know that I am overreacting.

06-02-09, 21:50
It is probably IBS don't worry. Do you get all of the symptoms every time after you eat?
Remember that your stomach is directly linked to your brain, they don't call it "the second brain" for nothing.
If you read the book from Dr Paillardy called "Gut instinct" it'll all become clear.
Not only can anxiety can cause disturbances to your stomach, but problems with your stomach can cause anxiety. A vicious circle if you like.
Try and eat slowly at regurlar intervals, always in a calm and relaxed atmosphere if you can, no TV or anything, try and be conscious of what you eat and taste and chew thoroughly.
Also massage your gums prior to eating (through your skin) to stimulate saliva which will promote good digestion.
I'm sure it's nothing sinister, it's so SO commun to have stomach and bowel problems when you're anxious.
If it's accompanied by other symptoms like, feeling restless and hyper active, nausea, trembling of the hands, it's worth having your thyroid checked just in case, as that can alter your bowel habits as well.
But franckly it sounds more like IBS