View Full Version : Hi

06-02-09, 20:34
Good to share.:)

06-02-09, 20:48
Is this post just to play games?

10-02-09, 06:40
Hello Nicola, Not at all, I see next to my name it is telling me I joined in January 2008, when in fact I joined NMP a few years ago and have been in chat rooms and posted messages on forums, so I am wondering why I am being asked to place at least five posts? Has all the information supplied when I originally joined disappeared? I have completed the poll as to whether people should be allowed in here just to play games. My honest answer to that is yes, for there are many people out there who do so to relax their minds and bodies and who may also derive comfort from reading the messages, and move forward in their lives, whilst finding it hard to share in the written word. Take care.