View Full Version : Hello, I need some help: New member and long post (sorry)

06-02-09, 21:44
I have just registered after initially reading this forum on Wednesday after my GP told me I was suffering with anxiety following an Ectopic Pregnancy where I lost my baby and had to have a fallopian tube removed. This was 7 weeks ago. I am not sure that I believe what the GP is saying but my family and friends are saying I must listen. The symptoms I am suffering with are very real and painful and I am feeling very distressed, I feel like they are trying to say I am imagining them I am not at all

I gave up smoking 3 weeks ago to help preserve my remaining FT and to help get pregnant more easily. to do this I read various website to help me. When I had my ectopic pregnancy, I was also told my Liver Function Tests were a bit out of range and because I had been having pains in the lower right hand side of my back I assumed the worst and worried, However my GP said that it was nothing to worry about and I would be ok, just needed to repeat them.
Then last week after having the bloods done (at this stage I didnt know they came back abnormal again) I have had terrible burning sensations down the right side of my body for nearly a week now on and off. Sometimes in my back sometimes shoulder and neck and I started getting pain in my breast. the burning goes away and comes. I also had joint pain in my fingers and tinglin in my legs and was sore under my arms. I found out my LFT's were deranged again and so spent a weekend panicking and crying thinking I am going to die. I cant help googling things and have been doing this for past fortnight nearly now and it is scaring me

I went to see my GP on Monday as an emergency and he checked my breast and said it was fine, nothing to worry about and also ordred a whole host of blood tests, He asked me what I though was wrong and I said I thought I had a rapid cancer that was spreadiing to lungs, breast and
Liver. He is not my normal GP and I had an appintment about the LFT on the wednesday and told me to explain how I felt to the Doctor and hopeful the blood tests would be back and he felt anxiety and loosing baby etc was causing this

I went to see my GP on Wednesday and she said blood tests were fine and asked how I was and I burst out crying, she put me on cipramil and said the aches and pains were down to "anxiety state". I felt fobbed off but she reasured me I would be ok and that all my bloods were ok.
I still have the breast pain when I breath in and the burning sensation came back last night all down my chest, arm and shoulder blade and I felt terrified
I therefore decided to go and see a private consulant but need a referral from my GP, she will not give me one, as she said I am fine and need to get in control on my anxiety. She is seeing me wednesay (she fitted me in as she is very popular so I should be grateful) and has now given me another sedative to calm me down over the weekend. I was very honest and said I can understand where she is coming from but I am getting these pains and so surely there IS something underlying here but she said I need to trust her. I also got told to stop looking up health symptoms on the internet.She keeps saying the bloods I had done are fine (they did 20 different blood tests) My breast is still painful and I cant help poking it to feel for lumps I have the burning sensation. its like heartburn

Today I have stared to feel like I want to throw up. My husband is at end of his tether I think but trying to remain supportivne
I have always been a very anxious person anyway and have suffered in the past with depression but have always managed to cope or pull through with help of meds etc

My mum passed away 10 years ago with advanced breast cancer so this fuels my fears and anxiety

I dont know what to do anymore and feel out of my mind,

06-02-09, 22:07
This is how it works!

You have a stressor that causes you to experience physical anxiety. If this stressor is health related you can almost pretty much guarantee that you will interpret these physical anxiety sensations as signifying an undisclosed serious health issue and will then enter into the Health Anxiety rollercoaster.

You must trust your GP's on this and relax and allow yourself the time and peace for both your mind and body to recover. You have experienced a terrible stressor and all this emotional and mental anxiety HAS to be converted into physical symptoms at some point...that much is pretty inevitable.

Accepting the anxiety diagnosis can be the hardest thing in the world as we are just not accustomed to getting such real and powerful symptoms that we believe are all 'in the head' Remember, nobody who knows anything about this is saying it is all in the head...all these symptoms are real, powerful and above all totally 100% physical BUT the crucial point to hold close at all times is the fact that they originate from mental anguish and stress and are purely out bodies response to that...this can last days, months or even years but as soon as you accept the diagnosis and ALLOW yourself the time to accept and recover the quicker things will fall into place.

Remember, you have suffered from anxiety and stress and this has caused a real physical responce in your body. You must accept that recovery is out of your control and just allow yourself to observe what is going on with your mind and body but do not fall into the trap of interpreting and judging it. Recovery will come when your mind and body are good and ready and be prepared that they will not necessarily play to your rules or to your timescale. Something is telling you to slow down and be at peace with yourself...listen to that and do not be fooled into thinking that this is more than it is.

06-02-09, 22:49
thanks for your reply, this sounds silly but I how can the pain be there but anxiety cause it? I just don't get it
I know that something is wrong with me though as I am scared to take the diazapam she gave me to calm down in case I have an allergy to it
I am really struggling with this...

07-02-09, 02:25

I'm sure your pains are absolutely real - the cause of them may not be a life threatening thing though .

PLEASE check out my post about trigger points. I discovered how these work because of alot of pain I was getting after a miscarriage. The physical process they body goes through in these kinds of situations can set off all kinds of reactions in the body - then you become anxious then then anxiety sets of more painful reactions. If the medics can't find anything and they have done alot of tests go to see a really good physio.

good luck