View Full Version : Is it an Anxiety symptoms or something else?

07-02-09, 07:47
My dilemma since becomming a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks is whether it is an anxiety/panic attack symotom or something else that makes me feel like this? I doubt Doctors and feel let down, particularly as when I first encountered anxiety the Doc said I had flu, at that time I didn't know what it was!

I have had a tummy bug for the past few days and have been really poorly but have turned a corner now as my appetite is back. Yesterday was the start of my monthly and right now I feel thick headed and tingly all over and a bit starey eyed and light headed a bit faint and slight stiff neck and one expression that has entered my head recently is weak at the knees? I suppose I am desperate for a Doctor to turn around and tell me that the reason I feel like this is because of blah blah blah and give me a prescription and hey presto normal again. Also when I feel this way I just think to myself its anxiety your fine, then I begin to doubt myself and think well maybe its not and I have something wrong with me and I have been dismissing it as an anxiety symptom.

Could anyone put my mind at ease? Thanks

07-02-09, 15:39
Hi Hazy

Sorry you have been feeling poorly with the tummy bug and have now gone on to your monthlies. No wonder you feel like you do. You have gone from one thing to another and obviously your system is not running on full strength at the moment, and on top of all that you are worrying about how you are feeling. If it was me, I would be feeling exactly the same. Just be kind to yourself for a few days and do what you know relaxes you the best and try not to dwell on the symptoms too much. You are in need of some TLC and reassurance at the moment. I am sure you are just stressed and it will get better.:hugs: