View Full Version : I think cancer has spread to my liver :(

07-02-09, 13:13
I've been boring many of you for the past six months with this lump I seem to have found in my lower abdomen - had a couple of tests and my doctors still think I'm fine (never had a colonoscopy, just ultrasounds, blood and stool tests).
In December I noticed that the upper right side of my abdomen seems swollen, and it wasn't like that before, believe me I've been prodding my stomach for a long time. In January the tumour marker stool test came back negative along with the pelvic ultrasound (though I didn't see the point of that as it went nowhere near the lump). When I went back to the GP for the ultrasound results I mentioned how the upper half is now swollen but lying on my back she couldn't see it, examined only the lower half again, and sort of laughed it off saying I have nothing to worry about. I've been to see her sooo many times that I can never go back to see her about this problem.
Even since that visit two weeks ago my upper right side has grown, it is mostly visible when I'm sitting, it looks very asymmetrical, but I can see it even standing up. I am at my wit's end with this and now I can't go back to the GP. I am afraid if I wait any longer, I'll be walking around with a prenant-looking belly with a giant liver until I die. I had a full abdominal ultrasound last year, but at that point my liver area looked fine, so it doesn't help that my liver looked normal then.
My life has become unbearable, I hate my body naked beause of this asymmetry, I hate showering, going to the toilet, lying on my back, it all causes panic attacks, I can't live my life this way and I'm stuck with nowhere to go for help (definitely not going back to GP).
I have no other symptoms... but my father had no symptoms of bowel cancer until it had spread to his liver and he died within 5 days of diagnosis.
Help! :weep:

07-02-09, 14:14
Hi sorry your having such a bad time just now, but i would have thought the tests they did on you would have been pretty conclusive, but i can totally understand how your feeling anxious after sadly loosing your dad.
Have you thought about maybe changing your gp or going to a walk-in clinic at your local hospital?
I hope you find some help to put your mind at ease.
Take care xx