View Full Version : Well.....

15-07-05, 18:06
I never realized that so many people are suffering with the same type of symptoms that I have had for the past 2 years!!!

As I read through the posts here, I can relate to almost every single one of them. It seems that at sometime or another I have had almost all of these symptoms!

Unlike most of you, I live in the USA and I'm not sure if the medical profession here just sucks, or they just don't care. During this two year ordeal, I have had all kinds of tests, all normal, but have never received a diagnosis of any kind of anxiety. I am taking meds, but that is because I figured it out myself, reading about anxiety, and asked the Dr. for them.

What is the best way for me to proceed? I have never been to any kind of counselling, psychiatrist, etc. Does the anxiety diagnoses come from your gp, or someone else. I have been to 10 different dr's in the past 2 years, and none of them has even mentioned anxiety! Can the US be that far behind.....Don't answer that, I know that we are (I lived in Germany for 3 years). What should I do---I don't have the symptoms on a daily basis anymore, but they still come and go--not as severe as in the beginning, but they are still around--right now it is Head Zaps and headaches that seem to be plaguing me---I did call my dr. about them and she said that they are probably nothing to worry about as I don't get blurry vision or nausea or any kind of lasting effect, they also only last for a couple of seconds, and I have read a lot of posts here about people that experienced the same thing.

Why can't anyone in this country listen to me---I am a very healthy, 32 year old. I have never had any health problems, and neither has anyone in my family! What should I do?

15-07-05, 18:11
hi Brandy,

I think that you would get a lot of out seeing a counsellor. They are usually a lot more understanding than doctors and they normally understand anxiety a lot better. I have seen a few counsellors and it's great having someone like that to talk to. Maybe you could get a list of counsellors in your area off your doctor or off the internet..?

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

15-07-05, 18:36

I can't really get anything from my dr., as she has not given me any diagnosis. To tell you the truth, I don't want to ask her for anything. My faith in the medical profession is gone-----

I will try the internet. Do I just call and tell them that I think that I have an anxiety disorder of some kind, or what?


15-07-05, 18:48
Hi Brandy my gp referred me for councelling although it took months for me to agree to go, but I am one of the few people who has an absolutely wonderful and understanding gp.
Councelling and behavioural therapy has been useful so try to get it love Alexis,xx

15-07-05, 18:57
Yeah Brandy just explain your situation and they should give you an appointment :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-07-05, 00:15
What meds are you on ?
Head zaps can be part of taking some meds


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-07-05, 14:50

I am currently taking Lexapro 10mg.


18-07-05, 15:29
The SSRI's are known to have head zaps but usually as part of the withdrawing profile mainly.

If you can get CBT then try to go for that sort of counselling if you can.

You may need to get your primary doctor to refer you in order for any insurance or HMO to recognise it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?