View Full Version : Mouth ulcer sufferers?

07-02-09, 20:39
Whats the longest an ulcer has taken to heal ?

Im 26, I dont smoke or drink.

I seem to get them around this time every year, sometimes up to 7 in my mouth , ive been to the docs and dentist before (when ive had bad outbreaks) and they didnt seem to concerned with them. Mine normally heal within about a week.

I am a little worried coz i got an ulcer just to the right of my top lip about 4 weeks ago that appeared to be like any other. It inflamed and then appeared to settle down, however never fully healed. for the last 2 weeks the ulcer has remained, (nothing major to look at, doesnt hurt) just a slightly inflamed lump and I can only actually see the ulcer if a bright light is present.

I accidently bit the ulcer a couple of times when it was at its worse. Do I have anything to be concerned about ? Could this possibly be a scar? I keep feeling at the ulcer every 2 mins with my tounge to check if it has gone down , (which im sure wont be helping matters)

07-02-09, 21:41
I get mouth ulcers and cold sores all year round and have done for years, s. They are a pain to have because they can be painful and sting a bit but nothing to worry about. My gp told me you do tend to get them more if your run down. Try not to worry about it hun it willl go eventually.

08-02-09, 20:43
My cousin gets this problem. The poor thing, her mouth is horrible...and shes alright. Her daddy, my uncle is a doctor and he has no issue with it.

I once had an ulcer which lasted a month, and one that lasted a week...so it can wary..

I got the most ulcers back when my anxiety began, cuz I was constantly on edge, extremely nervous....scared, tense.