View Full Version : Please can someone help to put my mind at ease

07-02-09, 22:33
My health anxiety doesn't just focus on myself but anyone close to me as well. Last month I was desperately worried about my son, but this month my worry has shifted to my fiance.

He's got quite a number of lypomas (occasionally he has the ones that annoy him removed, but he's not that bothered). He has one that seems to be somewhere in his stomach, but now I've started to worry that this is actually some kind of cancerous lump. He's also been suffering with indigestion for some time and I've put the two together and worry that it might be something serious. This is not the first time I've been worried about his lypomas, but the worry has come back again.

I want to ask him to go to the doctors about it all, just to put my mind at rest, but I know he will just dismiss what I say and tell me to forget about it. He's very laid back in comparisson to me.

I just need some reassurance. I've got myself into such a state that I'm shaking as I write this and I can't really concentrate properly on anything else. I should be looking forward to our wedding in May but instead I'm worrying that I'm going to lose him.

Sorry for the long post.

07-02-09, 23:16
I am sorry to hear that you feel that way... These days I am also feeling awful... I've been suffering with anxiety/panic attacks.... and I will tell you it is not easy to go through that...
I feel I can die anytime...
God Bless you!

08-02-09, 11:49
If your partner's lumps have been diagnosed as lipomas, then you can cofidently forget all about them. They are just sebaceous cysts, little sacs filled with 'fat', like a giant spot! :) They cannot turn cancerous and are never dangerous in any way. I have had two removed in the past, not because I worried about them (for a change!), but because one was unsightly - on my neck - and the other one under my bra strap, and that one eventually got infected and burst.

So please do not worry about lipomas - they truly are harmless!

Best wishes, Annie

08-02-09, 21:32
Thanks Danna, I'm sorry you're feeling that way too.

Thanks for the reassurance Annie.

I've just got this nagging thought in the back of my mind because several years ago I googled 'lipomas' (I don't use google for symptoms any more) and one article mentioned that they could occasionally turn cancerous and I haven't been able to get rid of this thought. Perhaps this article was wrong.
