View Full Version : PLEASE READ -Feeling Hopeless about my situation... Is there any help?

07-02-09, 23:09
I don't know what to do anymore.. I've tried everything that is out there.. you name it... hypnosis, therapy, medication, yoga... etc...
I still feel like I am going to have a heart attack... Today I am feeling a lot of irregular beets... and they drive me crazy.... I've been sick over 3 weeks.. stomach problems + flu that lead to a year infection... that lead to an yeast infection....
What is wrong with me? I am managing getting healthy... plus I have to deal with all this fear of dying ...
Is there any help for me?

08-02-09, 00:00
I feel the same, although I haven't had any therapy or hypnosis. It can be very daunting thinking that you are about to have a heart attack but it is very unlikely that you will. I'ts wierd having these feelings. At night time especially I used to find myself putting my hand on my chest to make sure it is beating in perfect rythem and if I think it's not then I will panic. But I have come to learn that it is all in the mind. I'm always thinking that whenever I get a pain somewhere I start over-analyzing it and think that It's something serious. But its irrational thinking. I'm sorry I'm not much help but I really hope you get through this. We will ALL get through this together :)

08-02-09, 08:21
Danna, it's true we have all been there and despite having good days where we feel better and can cope we always focus on the negative when we get bad times. Just keep telling yourself 'this is just my stupid health anxiety, I am fine and I will feel better soon' and try to think positive thoughts.

Try and think of something you are looking forward to ( i know it's hard) but even if you start with looking forward to the weekend to do something different or have a lie in or whatever etc etc. I know it sounds silly when you are obviously in such stress to say 'think positive' but remember it is your thoughts that have made you this way YOU control them, dont let them control you.

Be tough on them, take them on, next time you get panicky think 'is that it? is that the best you can do? Rubbish!!! I can cope with that'

At first you feel stupid, but now I actually talk out load to my anxiety and I give it as good as I get.

Yes I do have days where it comes back - but it does not stop me in my tracks anymore, I dont take any meds or have any therapy because I can deal with it.

Maybe your anxiety will never go away, but I can promise you that you can learn to live with it and forget it for long periods of time and you will feel better, it just takes time and practice.

Take care (you are not alone) :bighug1::bighug1:

08-02-09, 10:59
After my experiences I have found that medication corrects my problem.

There are many out there, perhaps you need to see a psychiatrist again and talk to him about how you are feeling now.

Have you ever been diagnosed??? did you give your meds a good 4 weeks and how did you feel??

You do not need to live with the anxiety like this. yes we all cope and somehow keep going but i think as taboo the subject is.. medication seems to be making life better for some of us.

so sorry you are feeling this way

10-02-09, 06:55
:wall: Sometimes I feel stuck ... trapped on my own body... with all those crazy feelings..
Sometimes I feel there is nothing left... and I think I will go crazy.. where there is no one to help me...
It is scary... I will remember the advise you guys gave to me... and try to show to my anxiety who is entitle of my life...
Is there anything else I can do?:sofa:

10-02-09, 10:40
Hi Danna,

Sorry that you are going through a tough time at the moment, we've all been there, just take it minute by minute if need be, have you been in chat? Sometimes when you get really scared it can help take your mind of things and there are always folk there that can help, it's certainly worked for me when i'm at my worst, take care xx

10-02-09, 10:48
Having the flu can knock you for six. It will raise your pulse/blood pressure but it's just your body reacting to the flu. Your immune system will be low too and that leads to secondary infections. Try to rest as much as you can and when you start to feel better you may find the other treatments you've been trying such as yoga etc will start to help

Hope you feel better soon


13-02-09, 06:24
I don't know what to do guys...
I think I am getting depressed.. and this time is really bad...
I cry desperately over and over and over... the feeling of being lonely is overwhelming...

13-02-09, 07:02
danna, I'm new to the forum and haven't read your profile and have no idea of how old you are.

That said,

if you have a yeast infection there are plenty of things you can do to alleviate / cure / take control of problem. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

14-02-09, 03:30
dear danna,
I wish you could hear my voice i would sing a bit of a song that say oooooh child things are going to get easier oooooh child things are going to get brighter.... hope that doesn't sound to cheesy but really as long as your heart is beating and your lungs are breathing there is always hope. Please, never give up.
I used to feel hopeless alot when I was younger and could not see a future for myself, thought of the fear of dying a lot but I have definately come a long way and you can and will too.
I am going to keep it very real with you real quick. I still have bouts with anxiety,and just last month I suffered a life threatening pulmonary embolism (clot in lung), on meds now that put me at a greater risk for having life threatening bleeding, have aches and pains everywhere in my body everyday that sometimes brings me to tears... but the key for me getting throught this and many other challenges in life is remembering to remain positive... surrounding myself with positive things and people, building a great support group, taking one day at a time, appreciating the small/ simply things in life... challenge the fears... that and the above mentioned things help me conquer my fears and make me stronger and also gives me peace... hope you get to feeling better soon.. with much love
mary g

14-02-09, 08:54
I have irregular beats and a G.P. can detect these taking your pulse. I was sent for an e.c.g. and the irregular beats showed up. If you are that worried try to get them checked out. You say you have tried therapy if you had found someone helpful you would no be feeling so bad.I have found cbt practitioner who has really helped. You must try and shop around. In the meantime try to slow down if the beats are worrying youand obviously calm down as much as possible.

20-02-09, 05:22
Awww:emot-fail: You make me tear up...
Thank you for all support!

I am so thankful that I found this website... and I am still here trying to get over the hopelessness .....
IT has been difficult most of the days... when I cry desperately for help... and I don't let anyone hear me....
Anyhow.. I found a doc who is doing everything he can to help me with this moment in my life... I just need to be willing to do something!

20-02-09, 05:40
I know how you feel i keep thinking i am going to have a heart attack i have been to the doctor and she said im fine but that doesnt convince me when i start feeling my heart beats. But you should google epiotic heartbeats, its something to do with the heart beats and electro current and sometimes it can change your heart rythem and it makes you Feel like your heart is about to go into attack, but they are not rare and are harmless, check it out, it could help x x x x :)

22-02-09, 10:47
Excellent you let the Dr help you, no shame in that at all, you only get one life and you should live it.

I HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE It will stop you just need to get the help to stop it..... meds work for me something will work for you too.

Please don't give up :bighug1:

Awww:emot-fail: You make me tear up...
Thank you for all support!

I am so thankful that I found this website... and I am still here trying to get over the hopelessness .....
IT has been difficult most of the days... when I cry desperately for help... and I don't let anyone hear me....
Anyhow.. I found a doc who is doing everything he can to help me with this moment in my life... I just need to be willing to do something!