View Full Version : feel panicky rite now :(

07-02-09, 23:20
Hi all

I had quite a horrible week, my aunty's funeral, work not paying me (they being really awful at moment), council threating me with baliffs, but my anx not been to bad considering.

About half hour ago i was clearing up. i bent down to pick something up and when i stood straight i felt bit dizzy. it didnt last long but because i get dizzy and lite headed when i have a panic attack, i started to panic.

This has started off my anxiety and now i feel dreadful. I feel all lite headed and odd :weep:

Why cant i accept that sometimes when u bend down and get up, u do feel a bit giddy

Why do i always have to blow it all out of proportion and think the worst.

Im never gonna be free of this panic, its like a viscious circle

Im so on edge, i feel sick now and im really tearful.

mandie x

08-02-09, 14:57
Hi Mandie, I hope you're feeling a bit better today?

If we were always able to accept that certain feeling/sensations are perfectly normal, this stupid 'disorder' wouldn't have such a hold over us and allow us to blow things out of all proportion. It IS a viscious circle.


08-02-09, 16:23
Aw Mandie hun no wonder your anxiety is through the roof your dealing with such a lot at the moment...just one of those worries would be enough to send someone into a panic.
Have you had a talk to the council and explained your situation with money and work, they may be sympathetic if they knew the problems your experiencing and be able to work out a repayment plan with you?
I hope you manage to get your work and wages sorted soon they cant expect you to survive with no income (employers can be such swines cant they)
I hope things look up for you soon
Take care

Deepest Blue
08-02-09, 17:04

I agree, you have so much to taken on board and no wonder you're feeling panicky. In addition to speaking to the council, have you not also spoken to the Citizens Advice? There have to do something for you.

I also get quite a few head rushes and the other day I almost completely fainted but managed to somehow recover my balance and regain my consciousness, it was frightening.

I hope you feel better soon.
Take Care:hugs:

08-02-09, 17:27
mandie, I just wanted to pop by and give you this: :hugs:

I hope you're feeling better today :hugs:

08-02-09, 18:22
:hugs: Oh, poor Mandie.

Feeling panicky meself today. Just had a bit of a weep about it.

Let's have a mutual hug . . .:hugs:

08-02-09, 19:43
Thank you everyone :hugs:

i feel a bit better today, but woke up with that dreaded anxious feeling which i hate.

The council have been awful. alot has been their cock up, but they have been so unhelpful

As for my work, well thats prob gonna end up at a tribunal.

Im going to Cit advice tom, weather permitting

Deepest Blue - i get alot of head rushes, that sends me into a terrible panic

love mandie xx