View Full Version : Anxiety rising again

08-02-09, 09:22
Had not too bad a week last week. I actually felt "normal"!!! quite a lot. On Friday the anxiety started again, building up and up. I could feel it but couldn't stop it. It sound so stupid but I think what set me off was hubbie wanting me to book summer holiday. I think I'm frightenend as once it's booked I will have to worry about how I'm going to feel when I get there, even though it's not until July. I know he doesn't understand. Then I got pains in my chest, felt fainty, weak legs and thought "Yes, there really is something wrong with my heart, what if I collapse?" etc. etc. I'm back to waking and the anxiety, panicky feeling spreading through my body as soon as I open my eyes in the morning (very early, as usual).
Does anyone have any tips to help me stop this feeling from escalating as soon as I wake up? Am i nuts to feel like this about going on a holiday which is supposed to be relaxing?

08-02-09, 11:12
Well Mojo I totally understand where your coming from, I hate the idea of being away from home and everything that is familiar and comfortable. But I have in the past managed to get away a few times. Its always the build and anticipation that is the worst, rather then the actual event. I too have the morning thing, the minute you become concious your brain kicks in and the anxiety starts. If you can get a copy of Claire Weekes - Self Help for your Nerves from your library or buy a copy from ebay or amazon. There is a section in there about this morning feeling. I came across the book from the recommended reading section on the left pain. If you need anymore help dont be afraid to pm me.

09-02-09, 10:05
Thanks for replying bora.
Glad to know someone else understands how I feel. I will definately try to get a hold of the book you suggest. It sounds like it might be a great help to me.
The morning thing is a big problem because once I wake up feeling panicky it sets the mood for the rest of the day. If I ever wake up feeling okay I usually find I have less anxiety for the rest of the day. Oh how wonderful it would be to feel "normal" again and not have to think about everything so much.
Thanks again for your help.

09-02-09, 10:19
I feel exactly the same. When I wake I am always tired and want more sleep but I don't get it because I am too panicky to settle again. This then sets the tone for the day........it's awful I know.:doh:

09-02-09, 10:34
I got up really early yesterday as I felt so bad. Hubbie asked why I was up so early on a Sunday. I said I had to as I felt so panicky. He just raised his eyes to heaven! Says it all really doesn't it?:lac:

09-02-09, 10:40
I know how that feels as well!?! A bit of sympathy would help even if they don't know how it feels :mad: x

09-02-09, 15:30
I have the saem feeling as you do now, have had it like this for a while now. Since i got the flu, the anxiety has grown very much.