View Full Version : Eye disturbance

08-02-09, 10:04
I have had classic migraines with aura for many years. The zig zag symptoms last up to an hour and are followed by a headache through the next day, but not severe.
Three years ago I had a visual disturbance in one eye, which wasn't like a migraine aura, but was followed by a feeling of slight weakness and a pressure headache. An eye check revealed a retinal tear for which I had laser treatment.
Last week a similar thing happened, except that it was accompanied by a strong feeling of pressure in my head, followed by a very bad headache for a few days with pressure around the temples and the base of the head at the back. An eye check did not reveal any problems, and my blood pressure is OK. The same thing happened yesterday, but not quite so bad.
Can anyone comment, please? I am trying not to panic!

08-02-09, 19:59
What does your eye doctor say? If you have had a retinal tear in the past, then you should always have your doctor check you out. I get the "zigzag" aura also, sometimes followed by a headache, sometimes not. I've never had the headache last into the next day though. I know that stress can bring on these "aura" type migraines. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? I have also heard that chocolate, wine and even looking into bright sunlight can sometimes trigger them. I hate it when I have the flashing zigags, I always take ibuprofen as soon as I see the flashing and go lay down in a quiet, dark room. I've never had the flashing last more than 30 minutes.
