View Full Version : Constant fear of dying

08-02-09, 11:54
Hi, I have just found this site. I am 30 years old and I have a constant fear of dying. It is taking over my whole life. I thought I had managed to control it as I hadn't had the feelings for a while until Thursday when I went to the dentist who gave my teeth a scale and polish which then bled for several hours. I then convinced myself I would die because of it. Since Thursday I have had constant thoughts of dying again. Its never ending and its affecting my wife and family as well. When its bad I get headaches, do not want to eat and I cry all the time and cannot shake it off.
I have been to the doctors who after giving me blood tests for virtually everything they could test for (which came back normal) diagnosed me with health anxiety. I cannot see a way out of it.

(Ps) Does anyone know of any health Anxiety support groups in the Norfolk/Suffolk area?

08-02-09, 13:10
Hello Paul,

Welcome to the site, I am sure you will find some really good advice and support from people who can really understand what it is like to suffer from health anxiety. We often think we have it under control, and it only takes a small incident to knock us back again; it can be very isolating trying to cope with it alone.

I think it would be a good idea to go back to your doctor and explain to him exactly how you are feeling. You might be able to explore a few options for treating this problem; some people do very well with counselling and/or medication. He may well have details of some support groups within your area. I hope all goes well for you; i am sure with some good support you will be able to feel more positive about life, and start to gain some control over your anxiety.

08-02-09, 14:41
Hi Paul, sorry to hear you are so agitated.
I have had this awful fear for years :weep: and it does not get easier - you learn to cope:ohmy: I have copied this small extract from "symptoms" in the Main Menu" on the left of the screen. You have to scroll down quite a way to get to this - it is well worth it:yesyes:
The Fears: going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings

What you feel:
You suddenly become afraid that you might lose your mind or that you are not able to think. You may also feel that you are not able to remember things as easily as you once did. Sometimes you become afraid of having a nervous breakdown. You also may have periods of 'crazy' thoughts that frighten you, or those thoughts ‘just pop up’ are bothersome by the content.
There is lots and lots of other good info there.
Hope this helps you to understand these feelings:yesyes:
Best wishes

08-02-09, 19:08
hi mate i allso live with this fear so i know how u feel every acre or pain i get i think its serious this wk i pulled a musle in my chest swiming i got it into my head i had heart props i was at docs 3 times its a nightmare sometimes

08-02-09, 19:58

I know how u feel. I suffer with this.

I went and had my wisdom tooth taken out few years ago and it didnt stop bleeding for hours. I thought i was gonna die and now i have severe fear of dentist and even though i no i need to go i think i will die if i do.

have u had any counselling?

love mandie

08-02-09, 20:46
Hi, Thanks for your replies. It does help to know I'm not the only one.

Mandie, I am going to approach my doctor about counselling or support groups in my area. I have a prescription for citalopram but I am holding fire on this at the moment as i woud like to explore non medicinal options. If things continue as they are though I am going to have to bite the bullet and take them as it is ruining my quality of life at the moment.

Thanks again everyone

09-02-09, 10:33
Hi just wondered if you found the artcle in "symptoms" of any help?

09-02-09, 17:37
Hi June, I have just finished reading it and it has helped me understand the symptoms I am getting alot. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

09-02-09, 17:42
I have a fear of death - and have had it since I was around 8. Strangely, it has never manifested itself when I have symptoms - at least not directly. It's usually when I go to bed and begin to think about things a little too much. More anxiety I think.

09-02-09, 18:22
Hi Paul,

The support you receive on this site is excellent.

I suffered from the fear of dying every day for years after I lost my mother at 18 and that is when my health anxiety kicked in.
In recent years it has not been so much a fear of dying but more a fear of the symptoms I have experienced. I still suffer from ectopic heartbeats and that is really it. I have had so many tests done over the years I wouldn't start to list them all. I think the first step to getting to grips with Health Anxiety is trying to accept the results of your tests and also getting a GP you can trust. My GP has been fantastic. Speaking to him or her is the first step and actually accepting that you have health anxiety is important too. Your GP will have details on any local help classes and speaking to people that feel the same way you do does help. I still have anxieties over my health but have not got the fear of dying any more.
I am not a professional in any way but please feel free to send me a private message and I will try to help you if I can. I know how I used to feel and I also know the effect it has on your closest family too.


09-02-09, 18:48
Hi Will, Thanks very much I will take you up on it. It is encouraging to know that things can get better.

helen s
10-02-09, 19:41
hello, just joined this website and can relate to everything people are saying. had this problem for 15 years, got run over 2 years and made it worse. am diabetic so do have health concerns, but constantly think i have some sort of disease or illness. i react to every bodily sensation as a sign of illness when i know it is anxiety, dont stop me from worrying thou! anxiety is a clever disorder and can fool you into thinking there is something wrong with you when its just the anxiety, dont let it beat you i know its hard but it is possible xx