View Full Version : is it or isnt it? please help

08-02-09, 14:37
a while ago i posted a message on another website after reading some of the info on symptoms here im now guessing it might be a panic attack

ok 4 months ago i posted on a board over really bad legs 2 weeks after having a baby all tests came back no clotting, 2 weeks later i came down with the roto virus and since then have gone down hill it started with a feeling something was under my left rib, i then started with really bad stomach cramps and a general ill feeling, i just knew something wasnt right i went to see my doc who sent me for blood tests.
while waiting for results my uvula would swell and curl up. and would give a sensation my throat was closing over, my doctor has looked and said it appears fine this went on for 2 months 1 doctor gave me prelisdone but that gave me a dry mouth so i thought, when i went back for my results i had a high blood count, lymphocytes, and positive auto antibody ANF.
so i was asked to go for another one incase it was a red herring,
i then just felt ill all the time, i went back to my doctors as i got bad cramps and i would get a cold feeling in my ribs, i was given fybogel and some tablets as he thought it was ibs,they didnt work,
then just recently i started feeling my skin was burning either before i have any pain or just after,
my 2nd round of bloods came back everything came back normal except again im positive for auto antibodies anf, im now waiting for a referal to a rheumatologist for a 2nd opinion.
this is starting to annoy me now, am 21 and have been in good except for when i was little i would get water infection'

about 2 weeks ago i felt fine, and then all of a sudden my throat started feeling the same, and now my rib keeps feeling the same it's not always their
i also feel like im not taking in very much ear and find myself yawning quite alot, it seems much worse of a night, im teriffied of falling asleep and not waking up or something will happen and one of my kids would be left crying till my husband got home in the morning, i end up falling asleep watching the same film or by putting stuff on the tele, it does feel like am in one big panic attack that subsides when am asleep and the kicks off again after an hour of waking up.
so could someone please tell me does this sound like a panic attack? when i first got it i generally felt like my whole body was shutting down, now im a bit used to it, but i still dont like the feeling am getting

08-02-09, 15:13
Hi there


Could you tidy up that post so I can read it please. Thanks

08-02-09, 15:15
sorted sorry :)