View Full Version : Just one thing...

08-02-09, 19:29

I have HA (obviously) but it's kind of morphed in with my ocd and it's become and absolute nightmare.

I have HA related to MND so every single thing that goes wrng with me makes me think I have MND. I was extremely stressed over christmas (due to exams - don't know why I got so stressed but I almost had a complete breakdown). I got the twitches, muscle's felt weak, a was convinced my left leg was smaller etc all the normal stuff.

The thing is this got me thinking and I realised I am not scared of dying in general. I am not scared of dying of any other thing except this. I'm not even scared of MS only this. Why does this make me so scared that I can barely function? I know part of it is seeing my gran die from this but it still took 7 months to come on.

I just don't get why I am only scared of one thing and I am not scared of something that could be just as bad. It doesn't morph I'm not scared of everything just MND. It doesn't make any sense. Anyone else like this?