View Full Version : Ipods,mp3 players,mobile phones, etc

08-02-09, 21:47
Have you noticed how many people are listening to Ipods,mp3 players,mobile phones etc when they are out and about. I often wondered how many of those you see using them, use them as a prop while they are out. Either deliberately or unconsciously to distract their mind from anxiety while out. It's a great prop for taking your mind of things and doesn't look out of place anywhere.


Deepest Blue
08-02-09, 22:05
I can't live without my iPod, I take it everywhere with me and it's helped me so much. I have an iPhone too but I don't use it as it should be used. I've even put on one of the Lee Evans stand up shows on my iPod and it always cheers me up :)

08-02-09, 22:10
Good choice with Lee Evans, I wish I had half his energy :D

its all good
08-02-09, 22:22
I use my mp3 player everyday, i can't live without it! I have emetophobia and am always on alert when i get on a bus, its deffo a distraction and i would really struggle to get on public transport without it as i am sooo scared of some1 throwin up lol. If i dont listen to it then it means i am talking to some1 on me mobile and i neva shut up through the whole journey, gives me another distraction! Sad i know but it gets me through those journeys and makes me smile as i get carried away some times and bop away to me tunes on the bus.

Deepest Blue
08-02-09, 22:26
Good choice with Lee Evans, I wish I had half his energy :D

...but hopefully not his sweating!!!:winks:

09-02-09, 09:23
Kayliegh it's not sad at all, The one thing I've learnt in life while coping with anxiety is whatever gets you through the day use it. :D
Doesn't matter what it is, if it works then keep on using it.
Deepest Blue.......yeah the sweating that lee evans gets is a bit gross :D
but I read somewhere that it is entirely down to his nerves. He says he stills gets very nervous when gigging.

all the best


Martin Ell
10-02-09, 21:56
It's a good idea, and what's more it can work wonders, and as you say, doesn't look out of place. I always use my MP3 player, both as a distraction when I'm anxious and just because I love music so much. A lot of people should give something like this a try.

11-02-09, 10:41
I don't go anywhere without my mp3 player. I can't use public transport due to my anxiety so I tend to walk everywhere and the music helps to keep the world at bay if you know what I mean. I am currently in the middle of a course of CBT and using my mp3 player is one of my 'safety behaviours' that my therapist is trying to make me drop - not easy! :scared15:


14-02-09, 20:19
As with most people in this thread I take mine EVERYWHERE.

Music helps me through so much. If I didnt have it I think I wouldnt be able to cope. I even take mine in the car, I have the radio on when Im inside but its for when I leave, even if its just a 2minute walk to a shop im going to and then coming straight back I have to bring the Ipod.

eternally optimistic
14-02-09, 20:28

I definitely use mine as a prop.

Although I love listening to the radio or music downloaded, Id probably
feel really self conscious without it. It does distract me from thinking
silly things as I walk around.

14-02-09, 20:39
I love my ipod! It really helps me get through the day (and night) at times. Sometimes I've had days where my mind is racing and just won't stop, and I get terrible thoughts, and the only thing that helps is to put on my favourite singer and listen to her voice. :shades:

pink daisy
15-02-09, 10:48
I have a mobile with an mp3 player i have my hypnoses cd's on it its very handy

13-03-09, 16:45
I also use my ipod/phone as a prop. But I've found recently that walking is so much easier when I have the radio on, especially when it's a channel with quite a bit of talking (I listen to Radio1) :D completely distracts me

13-03-09, 23:26

I was not aware that using my ipod has become a safety behaviour. I use it to blovk the world out also. Initially as I walk near a busy road I used to find the noise unbearable so I started to wear it. Then I realised I had an excuse when walking past people, I did not have to make eye contact even. Now all I see is fear on the streets and people using ipods to escape and people who dare not make any eye contact. I now make an attempt to say hello to people but only if they make eye contact.


14-03-09, 01:26
On closer investigation.. I do use my MP3 as a prop. I can't handle too much traffic noise, or too much chatter. It really freaks me out and I get sooo panicky. Luckily, I always have some decent tunes to listen to which makes me happier!

14-03-09, 02:42
the only way i can get through a trip to the shopping centre nowdays is with my ipod on! pretty sad but it works. it distracts me i just have to watch where i am going! lol! i accidently walked straight into a person when i was changing songs! haha! i felt soo bad. luckily it was only a little bump.

14-03-09, 11:19
I think iPods are great, but I do think we have to be careful about using them to block out everything. My therapist has told me we shouldn't be using any props to block things out when we go out as it means we are just avoiding. However I do think that up to a point, as long as we are using them in the same way that non anxious people use them, that they can only help us.

I love my iPod Touch and I find it very good for watching films etc if we are stuck in traffic or sitting for ages in the waiting room at the Dr's. I also love all the free life coaching podcasts you can download. I would highly recommend The Daily Boost by Scott Smith, it really does motive you both physically and emotionally and you get a new one every week, so I just keep them all and listen to them when I am doing my housework :D

14-03-09, 16:00
Ditto about the ipod touch, alabasterlyn. Cheers for the recommendation - I'll defo be checking it out :)

14-03-09, 18:39
My daughter gave me her old ipod and downloaded some of the music I like.

I have now bought a more updated one and find it great for blocking out the noise of the traffic when I walk my dog. Also when I go in to the shopping centre.

I have aspergers syndrom and with the music in my head I don't notice the crowds of people.

It has also helped me with my agoraphobia immensly.

Any one remember back to music tapes? Having to rewind back and forward to get to the song you wanted. Now with the ipod you just download the songs you want to hear. Marvellous invention.


15-03-09, 13:20
It's nice to see I'm not alone in using them for help as well as enjoyment :D
Thirty years ago you would have had to carry a huge Boom box around on your shoulder with large skull crushing headphones. Not very conspicuous.

17-03-09, 20:31
I don't have a cell phone but think it's funny seeing people 'talking to themselves' with those bluetooth gadgets they are using.
About using gadgets as a distraction, I take music ( my ipod ) everywhere and I like when it's sunny because I can hide behind sunglasses, a hoodie helps too.

off topic, can't wait to get the talking ipod shuffle.:yahoo:

18-03-09, 13:46
I love my ipod! It really helps me get through the day (and night) at times. Sometimes I've had days where my mind is racing and just won't stop, and I get terrible thoughts, and the only thing that helps is to put on my favourite singer and listen to her voice. :shades:

I am glued to my Ipod when I'm out in public, but my counsellor tells me I must not do it because it distracts from the anxiety. (We're currently going through some self help methods and the one we're focusing on is going into an anxious situation and just dealing with it as the human body will reduce anxiety naturally, and once my body gets into a 'pattern' of doing it I wont get as anxious in public... Well that's what's supposed to happen anyway!)

18-03-09, 14:00
It's interestuing the different strategies used for helping people. I think that distraction is one of the MAIN answers in helping. Anything that takes your mind off the problem must then make your mind concetrate on something else more positive.
Hope it works for you anyway Anxietyguy :D

18-03-09, 15:36
It's interestuing the different strategies used for helping people. I think that distraction is one of the MAIN answers in helping. Anything that takes your mind off the problem must then make your mind concetrate on something else more positive.
Hope it works for you anyway Anxietyguy :D

Yeah I do agree with you, I'm not an expert so I can't really go into depth, but I believe constantly distracting the anxiety wouldn't be a good thing because if you just distract it, it's always going to come back, whereas focusing on the anxiety and letting your body get into a pattern and naturally lower anxiety levels.

The method I'm trying to use has apparently been proven to work, theirs been a lot of research in it according to my counsellor.

13-04-09, 21:35
Oh I am an ipod junkie!

I get quite anxious out when I can hear everything and be aware of everything. I'm not so bad without it if I am with someone..but on my own...Nah,gotta have the tunes in my ear.

I don't think my psychologist is thrilled about it either but I told him that it's either being out with the ipod in or being confined in the house because I'm too scared to go out.

I remember once being in a clothes shop shopping and I was in the queue to pay and whilst in the queue I still had my ipod on and in going up to the counter I had paused it but still had the earphones in..I dunno why..I think it still gave me comfort.

If I'm out and the ipod battery dies..then I'm in trouble. Llike I actually start panicking cos I can hear everything and be aware..it's like I feel naked.

15-04-09, 17:08
Interesting how you focused on gadgets :) Yes they are used as a prop by most people, but so too are your clothes, haircut and style. Take a seemingly confident city goer and remove them from their hip gear, and you'll quickly see a fish out of water.

Very few people have true confidence and can be seen wearing whatever, wherever and feel comfortable.

For people with SA, they can focus on finding a style that they feel comfortable with as it improves their self image. Many people with SA struggle with their self image and often give out conflicting messages by their appearance...