View Full Version : Pain the back of my head..brain tumor?

08-02-09, 21:51
I have this pain in the back of my head, it started as a throbbing behind my ear, now its like a pain that moves from one side of my head to the other..but like, a single pain, not a full on headache..im terrified......just think its a brain tumour.....also, i have found my vision isnt as clear for long distance writing..yet my eyesight was deemed perfect just a few months ago:'(

08-02-09, 22:18
doubt it very much, brain tumours rarely present as headaches. More likely to be stress, tension, or at worst migraine xx

08-02-09, 22:48
thats probably from you been stressed & your neck muscles & skin around yourself constrict & tighten. Take some cocodamol, have a bath & use some Radian B rub on your shoulders xxx

08-02-09, 23:34
Ah thats just muscle tension. I get that now and again. It's caused by anxiety. And as for your vision being somewhat impaired, thats caused by anxiety too.

09-02-09, 08:07
I've had pains like that and it's always my neck. I go to a physical therapist to have my neck massaged every couple of weeks and it really helps. Also putting a heating pad on the back of my neck. The neck is sensitive and if you don't sit correctly in bed (to support your neck) or sleep correctly (pillows to high, etc.), it is amazing how your neck will punish me - always with strange pains in my head. Good luck!

09-02-09, 08:44
I had pain exactly like this in August last year. Turned out it was a combination of muscle tension from constantly looking down at my laptop and stress as I had a really important interview. Once the interview was out the way it just stopped - what a relief!