View Full Version : Tinnitus

09-02-09, 08:30
I've developed tinnitus recently over the past few months. two months ago I got an outer ear infection in my left ear, and the tinnitus in that ear started with that, the infection kept coming and going til eventually the doctor let me get my ear syringed, which seemed to clear it up but I'm still left with this constant hissing in my ear, I saw a doctor 2 weeks ago because my other ear was starting to be a pain and she said I had an infection in it, and yet again the tinnitus came with that, I told her I was still having it from my other ear and she said my eardrum looked quite dull and was probaly still recovering from all the infections and I could still have some fluid behind my eardrum which eventually will go along with the T. But I'm just SO scared i'm stuck with it now, I havent had my other ear checked since I finished the antibiotics but I'm going today, but the hissing in that ear is even worse than the other. I'm just terrified of her saying its here for good, or how on earth I'm going to cope with it. I'm already going insane after two months of it! It's alot duller than it started, it doesnt really over ride other sounds like music, tv, unless I'm having a pretty bad day, its when I'm sat quietly or trying to sleep that I notice it, also when I yawn or plug my ear with my finger or something it changes to a kinda buzzing noise. its also worse when im stressing (which right now seems to be constantly) or when I'm tired.
I know T is nothing to be scared of, but it terrifies me. I just want some peace :weep:
Is there any of you thats had it for a few months and got rid of it? I keep reading all these things on google saying basically once its here its here for good :scared15:

09-02-09, 21:37
Hi there,

I have replied to your PM, but thought I would post here too as I have had tinnitus and it does go away. The fact it is worse when you are stressed is not unusual, what you have to do is try and keep some backgorund noise around you, have the radio on or the TV - anything to keep your ear trained on something else.

Tinnitus is like sitting in a room with a ticking clock reading a book, you do not notice the clock at all until soemone says 'can you hear that clock ticking?' then you cant hear anything else!

It's just training your brain to ignore the tinnitus and concentrate on other sounds until eventually you cannot hear the tinnitus. It works I promise you, it can take a few weeks to kick in but now I can zone in and out of tinnutus and sometimes i cant hear it at all no matter how hard I try.