View Full Version : Shaking / trembling in hands and fingers

09-02-09, 10:59
I know that shaking hands is often listed as a symptom of anxiety, but really it seems to be my fingers and thumbs that shake most, especially if I half-tense the muscles; in a couple of them them they can be all over the place when tensed or half-tensed and I can feel this shaking up my forearms. When I'm typing they shake a lot as well. Finally, very occasionally I can feel one of my thumbs twitching or sort of spasming / moving itself a little even when my hand is relaxed. Has anyone else experienced this due to anxiety?

I am only 32, don't drink too much (weekends only), have a reasonably healthy diet and have been suffering from a lot of health anxiety for the last few months. I have also seen a neurologist who said I am ok in that regard (fear of which is what kicked all this off in the first place). Thanks

13-02-09, 11:06
Not good etiquette I'm sure, but I'm just replying to this to get it back to the top of the forum in case anyone sees it and can provide some comment, as its worrying me a lot today. Thanks

13-02-09, 11:21
Hi Norwich, you do seem to be pretty stressed and I am wondering if you have been put on any medication for your stress. Your hands, fingers, forearms will all be affected by the stress, and maybe you will even feel tight across your shoulders and neck area. If you are sat at a desk at work, then just try and drop your shoulders, then raise them up to your ears and move your neck from side to side, and if possible "windmill" your arms, unless of course there are a load of people watching!! You could always say that you have a bit of tension in your shoulders though. Do you know the reason for your stress at the moment? Are you discussing the problem with anyone?Anyway, there are plenty of people on this site who will help you and answer your questions. Do hope you can chill a little:yesyes:

13-02-09, 11:47
As you are thinking a lot about this shaking does it makes it worse i.e. it gets worse the more attention you give it.? It may be anxiety/stress/repetitive strain. My friend developed a tremor and painful stiff wrists and it turned out her thyroid was either under or over active. Just a thought. I shake all over but I know that is anxiety. Good luck x:hugs:

13-02-09, 12:33
Thanks for your replies. Yes I am stressed at the moment, but it is concern about my health rather than work/family pressure etc, a self-perpetuating cycle. I don't want to take any medication really but I have seen my GP a number of times (not much help) and a mental health nurse (more help) plus have read some self-help books. I do feel like I am on the mend but I suppose my posts here are just reassurance seeking - which I know you're not supposed to do!

15-02-09, 06:34
I have similar symptoms and was diagnosed years ago, before any anxiety or anything as having Essential Tremors. Very common, not serious neurological thing. Maybe that is what it is. I know when I use my hands (especially typing) or get nervous that it becomes worse. Just a thought to set your mind at ease