View Full Version : Frightened of hearing mention of anxiety focus

09-02-09, 13:06
Does anyone else with health anxiety find it really difficult to confront TV ads, health programmes,Magazine/newspaper articles etc about the focus of their anxiety? Just at the moment, I have to grab the remote and switch channels when the British Heart Ad comes on and have stopped buying daily newspapers and mags because I am frightened that they contain something related to heart attacks/stroke etc. Even in fictional TV programmes any mention by the chatacters about blood pressure, cholesterol..heart disease makes me feel sick and anxious. I have lost 3 relatives, including my husband with heart disease and am a great supporter of the charities...I just can't bear to hear or read about it all and it gives me the old sense of impending doom...then the panic! Anyone else experience this..I feel stupid, but once got into such a state when a work colleague said " I nearly had a heart attack!" that apparently everyone was too scared to use that particular flippant expression again when I was around!!:scared15:

09-02-09, 14:00
I thought i was alone with this fear (when you say it out loud you feel so silly) BUT oh my how scared i get - that it such a stupid flippant expression it makes me tremble when i hear it said.
A couple of weeks ago i was really bad with panic and the only letter through our door was for the heart foundation - clearly showing how your 'bad diet - unhealthy living etc' I was sick for days.

09-02-09, 14:02
You know what really gets me is that heart that comes on when you open msn messenger, I too have this problem and have to switch things off....

09-02-09, 15:22
I get the same thing, really did think this one was just me, mines not heart attack its cancer, I haven't looked at a newspaper for about a week now, and am constently flicking the tv and the radio over when the news is on, feel so stupid but just the mention of it sends me into a spin of panic at the moment x

09-02-09, 15:42
Hi June, Trapped and vikkij21....Thanks for reading and understanding. I know that these adverts etc are to help people to understand the risks and to lead a healthier lifestyle but they do put the fear of God into us who are prone to health anxiety.....we have probably done all we can anyway, but still stress and panic. For me at the moment it's "keep looking the other way". Thanks again....XX

09-02-09, 15:50
I know what you mean. I dont buy newspapers or magazines anymore because of all the death and sadness. I do like medical drama's though especially grey's anatomy and Holby but with them I know they are dramaticising the storylines to make them more exciting and watchable. I started giving Cancer research a monthly donation because I had 3 emails from them asking in one week and I saw it as a sign that if I didnt then I would get terminal cancer and it would be like karma. After 2 years I stopped giving them it (mainly coz I couldnt afford it) but they phoned me up and said that its a shame I stopped because my money really helps and that no doubt my life will be affected by cancer in some way - I was shocked by this 'scare tactic'.

09-02-09, 21:51
Mee too.

I have just walked in when the NHS were running an advert on TV about how to recognise stroke symptoms. I now feel really anxious and lightheaded. I go inside myself and my wife wondered what was wrong. I feel stupid but any reminder of serious illness will cause a very fast anxious feeling and feeling of dread.

Interesting how we all deal with this. I would assume a shrink would tell us to expose ourselves to the bad news.


10-02-09, 11:15
Meewah - the anxious light headed feeling i know very well and have been to the doc many times -i am relieved to hear "it is only:ohmy: stress"
hm1177 - That cancer charity should hang its head in shame:ohmy:
By making people feel afraid and also very guilty - I think will have the reverse effect.
Where when your finance is in better shape you would probably have reinstated your donation = now I should think you are so angry and bitter you will not want donate:blush:
I knew 2 ladies who gave to one charity that came throught the post and were then inundated with requests for money - they both almost went broke trying to please everyone.
There is an old saying "gently gently catchee monkey":blush: old I know but gently will work better than a threat.
Sorry this turned into a rant:blush:
But scaring and bullying just makes me angry and even more panicky than ever:weep:
Best wishes