View Full Version : Time for a Higher Dose?

09-02-09, 15:07
Hi, I have been on Citalopram for about six weeks now, though only 4 weeks on 20 mgs. I have to say the medicine has definitely helped. I was could barely function when I started and now I am able to do most things that I need to. However, I am still getting anxious, the occasional panic attack, and racing/worrying/disturbing thoughts. Though not of these are nearly as bad as before. So while citalopram is helping, I think it could be better. I called my doctor today and he said I could go up to 30 mgs if I wanted to, or stick at 20 mg to see if it gets better. Because I have only been at 20 mgs for 4 weeks, it still could be another couple of weeks before i feel the full effect of that dosage. Of course, I would prefer to stay at 20 mg, but I also want to feel as normal as possible, as soon as possible. I also don't want to get the side effects again that I have gotten from prior dosage increases. Thoughts on whether I should give 30 mg (probably to 25 first, and then to 30) a try or just stick it out on 20 mgs for a couple of weeks to see if it improves? Thank you!!

09-02-09, 21:49
Hi im currently taking 30mg. I also had bad side effects when i first started on them.We all want the quickest way possible to feel back to normal ,but im afraid it sometimes takes that little bit longer.,When iincreased from 20-30 i did it by 5mgs at a time and i hardly had any side effects,it was nothing like before ,but this will take longer, You usually need higher doses to get rid of anxiety, thats probably the reason your doc has told you to up your dose. Wishing you all the best suzy

09-02-09, 23:00
Thank you for you reply Suzy. Do you feel that 30 mg works better for you than 20 mg? My thing is that my doctor did not say that I should go up to 30 mgs. He kind of said that I can give it a try if I want.

10-02-09, 16:55
Yes going up to thirty made a lot of difference& i only have a mild rush of anxiety when i wake.No more bad attacks no more panic!:yahoo: If it stays like this i will stay on this dose, oh and by the way no more depression:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: All the best suzy

10-02-09, 18:06
I would say try and stick out 20mg for a few more weeks before deciding to go up, 4 weeks is no time really - I'm approaching 4 weeks and its only just starting to take a decent effect. If you're still the same after 6 - 8 weeks maybe try then. Its really hard to be patient isn't it!

11-02-09, 20:41
Well in talking to my doc i decided to go up to 25 mgs from 20 mgs and give that a try. I am on my 3rd day of 25 mg and feel a bit more anxious, tired, dizzy,and nauseous than before. Are these just the side effects coming back, even after going up just 5 mgs?

11-02-09, 20:57
Yes! but they shouldnt be as bad as when you first started them ,and they will ease off.We all respond differently ,so its just a waiting game.......best wishes suzy

11-02-09, 21:02
thanks suzy, for your very quick response!

12-02-09, 15:59
Ok, well last night I took my 3rd dose of 25 mgs. I was fine and then in the middle of the night I had one of the worst panic attacks I have had in recent memory. I thought for sure I was having a bad reaction to Ativan ( i had taken a .25 mg pill). I even went to the hospital but just sat in my car. The most disturbing symptom i was having were these hot or burning sensations throughout my whole body. They would last for a few minutes, then go away, and then come back. This went on for about two hours. I had never had these symptoms before, even when just starting the Citalopram. I am questioning whether I should stay on 25 mg and just try to get through it or go back down to 20 mg. Is it possible to get new side effects when raising the dose? Thoughts?

12-02-09, 17:30
So sorry you had a bad night !its always worrying when you have something new,especially in the middle of the night.I had hot burning sweats for weeks ,and my legs felt like they were on fire. Perhaps you would be better to go back on 20 mg for a couple of weeks until that dose has settled ,then up them again then . I always waited 6 weeks that way the side effects arnt so bad . Wishing you well! suzy