View Full Version : I Need Help please

09-02-09, 19:18

i have a strange kind of headache ,electrical shoots which lasts for 2 or 3 seconds which is painful it happens in my left forehead always above my eye , and i have no proplems in my eyes i see a doctor for it it always recurrent when it comes the whole day and may lasts for 2 or 3 days ,it began 2 months ago and had it several times and i became worried about when it will happen again cause it happens many times through the day even when i'm stressed and sad it may be every hour or 30 minutes !! i can remember i faced that electric shoots 3 times from 3 years ago but once a year ,now from 2 months it's always hapenes , about my life style i'm stressed always and not feeling happy , now i'm worried about that if it's a brain tumer or even i've a heart deasese or something and now i can feal like my left shoulder is annoying me also sometimes my BP RAISED to 140 -95 and i was always having a low BP I'M NOT comfortable with that strange headache do i have to see a neurolgist my GP JUST say Hmmm and goes for sinusitis causing that headache ,Thanks

09-02-09, 19:50
hi i have the same problems and im only 18! ive got health anxiety and ive faced that fact but im paranoid about it being something worse, i want to put my story (essay) on here and see if anyone can shed some light? its ruling my life
anyone prepared for it?????

09-02-09, 21:25
That sounds like a migraine. You're stressed.

10-02-09, 17:53
now i''m feeling like what is happening is not real , i feel likie a dream and my work is dealing with people , the best dr "neurologist won't be in town this weak i have to wait a weak i feel like i want to cry and this electrical zaps or migraine attacks drive me crazy