View Full Version : i am having a mole removed

09-02-09, 20:33
hi all,i have got a appointment with my GP to get a mole removed as its cause alot of anxeity,told me its ok but he will remove it anyway for me.wot will this involve as the mole isit a bubbly out its nice n smooth,i have heard they shave it off ??

any info would be grateful:)

09-02-09, 20:39
I have had 2 removed one was frozen off and one cut out, truly neither hurt, I really mean that.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
09-02-09, 21:39
Hi Lebec, dont worry about the mole being removed, it wont hurt. You get a local anasthetic around the area and you wont feel any pain. its just a feeling like the dentist giving you a filling, the area is numb.I had 2 moles removed on my back, 1 because it was itchy and 1 because it was on the upper part of my back and i didnt like it showing if i wore something strappy. They always get every mole they remove sent for analysis wether its suspicious or not, both of them came back normal. I asked the doctor is he sure hes done both of them because it was so quick and painless! You will probably have a few stitches and they fall out in a week or so.You cant even notice the tiny scar i have but i wouldnt of cared anyway, its better than the horrible mole that was there. Itll be fine dont worry good luck ! Love paige x

09-02-09, 22:05
Just thought id tell you that i recently had a mole removed, my doctor cut it off, and i didnt feel a thing:)
I even watched the nurse take out my stitches, that didnt hurt either haha:)
Only thing with mine was, it was itchy! But i couldnt itch it cos of the stitching....nightmare:P
You'll be fine:)

09-02-09, 22:51
had 2 removed off face. Anaesthetic, then cut off with a blade then cauterised. Smells strange! Had 2 little plasters on, no stitches. They scabbed over then left a little brown freckle mark which fades over time. Very quick and painless -good luck x :yesyes:

10-02-09, 00:25
hi lebec- i am actually have 5 removed from one of my arms tomorrow (5!), so i can let you know how it goes. but my doctor is doing a shave, which involves no stitches. they just basically 'shave' it off, and then you have to keep bandaids on it and antibiotic ointment, for about a week or so i think. apparently people get moles removed all the time, for cosmetics reasons or whatever. i know how you feel, i am incredibly anxious about the ones that are coming off tomorrow- i don't know how i'm gonna last the week or two it takes for biopsy results to come back. good luck, and if you want a report after mine tomorrow, i'll be happy to share :)

10-02-09, 10:36
Hi there,

I had one removed from my arm, had it since birth and it had started to change. Once i got the local it really was painless i had about 5 stitches in and they were painless as well when they came out, so i wouldn't worry at all if i had to get any more removed. Hope it all goes well for you xx

10-02-09, 10:42
When I went through the "mole phase" I basically had all moles removed from my body, one from my stomach, three from my neck, one from my breast/side, one from above my ear, one from my shoulder... so now I have nearly no moles :) bit crazy. None of them hurt and thankfully they all were fine.

10-02-09, 15:02
hey amu- so you went through a mole phase, huh? i am going through that right now! can you tell me about your experience? i'm scared to death that i have like 10 melanomas on my body right now.... getting 5 removed today, actually. when you got all yours removed, were they suspsicious to you/your doctor? was it you who wanted them all off, or did your doctor recommend?

10-02-09, 15:20
Sure :) My health anxiety comes in phases. First I had the brain tumour phase, then when somehow I got over it and my headaches stopped, I moved onto moles - read a lot of scary stuff on the internet and suddenly all of my moles looked suspicious.
I wanted all of them off, while my doctor only recommended to remove one, as it was the only one that might become dangerous one day - I got scared but then she said not to worry, as many people have 100s of those kinds all over their bodies with no choice left apart from having them checked out every 6 months or so.
Of course all of them were fine, some of them were just "shaved" off, some were removed surgically.
Then I moved onto the next phase, and then the one after that... seems it never ends, but the mole one was the easiest one to get rid of (just had to remove all moles).:doh:

10-02-09, 15:52
thanks for the info, amu. you sound a lot like me with your phases, although i'm afraid mine may not go away so quickly because i have lots more on me right now that are not being removed today. my back and arms (oddly, that's pretty much where most of them are), would be covered in scars, which would be fine with me, but i figure i should do it in doses because i can't change hundreds of bandaids every day and have time to do anything else! so did insurance cover the removal of all of them, despite the fact that your doctor didn't recommend them all be removed? how many did you have removed in total? i too have read really awful stories of people my age and younger being diagnosed with late-state melanoma and it is horrifying - definitely got my anxiety about this rolling. i shouldn't be allowed to have a computer outside of work purposes :) thank you for sharing your info, i'm so glad everything worked out ok for you!

10-02-09, 16:41
How old are you? I'm 27 now and I was 24 when I had that phase.
Most of them I had to pay for, only two were covered... I think I had 7 or 8 removed in total. Two of them left scars, but I don't mind them - every time I look at the scar I feel happy as there is no mole there :D

10-02-09, 17:33
i'm 27 too! my phase has been going on for a long time - probably a few years. i think what jumpstarted it is i found out the wife of a coworker (didn't know him, in another office) was 29, had a new baby and was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma. they had a website set up for her, and like a an idiot i kept going back to it, reading her blog about what she ws going through, looking at photos and watching her deteriorate, etc. she died about a year after diagnosis. that was about 2-3 years ago and i've been pretty nuts about it ever since.

anyway, i just got back from the derm - she removed 5 and said she isn't worried about them - but then again, i've read stories where peoples' doctors say they aren't worried and then it comes back bad! i'll get results in 1-2 weeks by phone. 7 or 8 isn't so bad if that's all th emoles you had! i'm jealous. i think i must have a hundred. eevn today i showed her two more that concern me that she didn't remove, and she said to come back in six months and we'll check them. gah! i 100% agree with you - i don't midn the scars, soooo much better than the anxiety of having the moles!

10-02-09, 17:50
Hi there!
I had several moles removed from my back several years ago. I had gone to see my skin specialist for another reason and my big mouthed mate (lol) told him about the moles on my back been itchy. Next thing i know he was booking me in for them removing. I returned the following week and they were cut out with a scalpel, which my mate sat and observed (been into all that kind of stuff). I am been seriously honest in telling you that I did not feel a thing, Obviously i was numbed but the procedure was painless! I was stitched afterwards and even when i went to the nurse for them removing, it was painless and the whole job lot was over in no time at all. x

11-02-09, 01:58
i had my 5 removed today - it was pretty painless, for sure. the worst part was the shots to make my arm numb, but that was over really quickly. now it's a 1-2 week wait to get pathology results. it is a crime that they make people like us wait that long!!! i'm trying my best to believe the doctor when she says she isn't concerned about them. it's hard, though. anyway, lebec, you'll be just fine!

11-02-09, 14:09
Well yeah, I didn't have many big ones, but I still have small freckles on my arms. I read that women mostly get melanomas on their legs. Luckily I don't have a single mole or freckle on my legs, so it will be easy to see if one appears.
My boyfriend, on the other hand, has about a hundred of them, and they are all suspicious if you ask me. Last year I begged him (crying) to at least have them checked out, and they were fine according to the dermatologist, while all of them are different colours, sizes, weird shape etc. :huh:

11-02-09, 18:07
the mole i am getting removed is ichy thats the reason my GP sed i will take it off,has any one elses mole been ichy n turned out to be nuffin??