View Full Version : Anxiety and it's effects on health

09-02-09, 22:36
Hi! I haven't been on here in a while because I was doing so good....up until now!

I just watched a talk show on TV about medical procedures and important tests that people should have to improve their health. The show really peaked my curiosity, so I went onto their website to get more information. On the website, I found a health risk assessment quiz - Are you at risk for heart disease? In every quiz that I've ever taken, I've had less than a 1% risk of having a heart attack or heart disease in the next 10 years. When I took this quiz, it said that I was at high risk for heart disease and needed to consult a doctor!! It all boiled down to one answer...how much stress do you have. I answered "every day", because I have anxiety - I don't feel stressed out 24 hours a day, but I get easily aggitated a few times a day. This TV show also said that a resting heart rate of over 75 for a woman is poor. My heart rate is never near 75, unless it's later in the evening and I'm relaxing or sleeping. Throughout the day it can be anywhere from the 80's to over 100. Now I'm completely freaked out that I'm going to drop dead because I'm too stressed out! I'm stressed out about being stressed out! Everybody always says that anxiety never killed anyone, but does it cause heart disease and heart attacks? I'm only 30 years old - I already had all of the heart tests done (ekg, 24 hour monitor, echo, bloodwork) - all checked out fine except for an ekg that came out funny at the hospital. but it was assumed that it was human error that caused the abnormality and I was diagnosed with anxiety and sent home. Somebody please help. Is all of this stress/anxiety going to kill me????

09-02-09, 22:47
I dont think anxiety would cause heart attacks, as its a different type of strain.... When you are stressed due to work, you normally have high blood pressure and you are running about, plus taking on lots of responsibility....
Whenever I have been to A&E with a panic attack, my heart is fine and so is my blood pressure, so although we feel pain in the heart, the heart is actually working as normally
im not a doctor, so I dont 100% know the answer, but I dont think its the same sort of stress that creates heart attacks