View Full Version : Tight Chest!

16-07-05, 20:18
Everytime i run for just a minute or two i get out of breath and my chest feels very tight, i have asthma but dont remember getting tight chested so quickly like this.

Maybe its because i am not very fit or something i dont know or maybe i have a blood clot or some other bad thing wrong with me.

16-07-05, 20:21
Oh and another thing i seem to get is my stomach hurts alot and its getting bloated alot as well and dont know what to do to relieve it and not make it so bloated, getting worried about my constant stomach pain as well feels horrible.

16-07-05, 21:26
Hi Andrew,
do you have any books at all that you could read re your symptoms and anxiety generally. There are some really good books available that could really help you.
Tight chested feelings are very normal with anxiety sufferers, so are the breathing problems. When we get anxious our blood focusses on our vital organs and doesn't worry about our stomachs, so if you have had a meal and you are feeling anxious it won't digest it properly which will then lead to bloatedness.
You really seem to be worried about blood clots at the moment. When was the last time you saw your G.P? I'm sure if you went they could put your mind at rest a little.
Have you thought about keeping a diary of your symptoms? That way you can log how you are feeling and then when you feel bad again you can look back and see if you have felt like that before. If you have and nothing bad came of it you can reassure yourself that you will be fine again this time.
When we are constantly worrying about our health it is so easy for us to become sensitised to our bodies and we will notice aches and pain that wouldn't even bother us when we are feeling ok.
Take care Andrew, kind regards, kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

16-07-05, 21:45
Thanks for your reply KT

Well i wouldnt have thought that i would have a blod clot as i have had these symptoms for around 5-6 days now and a blood clot would have killed me by now i would have thought.

I am trying to exercise alot more but getting this tight chest almost instantly when exercising is not helping at all.

And the bloatedness never seems to go away and its very uncomfortable with the abdominal discomfort as well.

Im getting chest pains and pains around my arms and under my arms too, i have felt worse since that instensive exercise the other day.

My breathing is still the same as well it hasnt improved.

16-07-05, 21:58
Hi Andrew,
I also suffer with feelings of bloatedness, i put this down to rushing my meals and not chewing food properly. But i used to find it really difficult just sitting at the dinner table, i supose it was because i was relaxed it made me feel anxious. I always have to be doing something.
I get really achy arms especially my arm pits. If you have been exercising you will have been using muscles that you don't usually use so they will ache!
Please try not to worry so much, it really does sound like classic anxiety symptoms. It sounds like you are working yourself up into such a state by worrying that you are bound to feel bad. Try relaxation tapes, people talk about them alot here because they really do work.

PM me if you want a chat, take care and chill a little! kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

16-07-05, 22:13
hi andrew, i also suffer from tight painful chest which comes and goes as it pleases! it is very worrying, but doc seems to think my heart is fine. think we just need to be there for each other on this site as much as we can - it helps me to read other peoples symptoms that match mine, i know that may sound weird, but its nice to know there are other people that know what you are going thru.
take care

17-07-05, 00:26
I've been getting aches under my arm pits and across my breasts (male) for the last month. I'm really paranoid its lymph node cancer invasion (I've previously had cancer earlier in the year), or that the cancer is making my breasts hurt (hormone secretion). Sometimes the ache comes from the armpit, sometimes along the sides of my chest and sometimes across the breast itself.

When anxiety sufferers talk about chest pain, do they mean that fluttery pain you get around your heart (I get them pretty bad too), or does it encompass musclar pains in and around the chest? I.e can you get targeted musclar pains like this?

I managed to find the source of the pain on my side once, and it seemed to be eminating from where the pectorial muscle starts - I could trace the muscle from the point of the pain across my breast.

I've told my oncologist about it, but he didn't seem concerned. I should have pressed him as to why, but I'm not thinking straight these days! :(