View Full Version : heart issues again

10-02-09, 11:06
well here we are again in a downward spiral, in the last fortnight I have had so many stressfull life events that my anxiety levels this morning are sky high. It all started with me losing my job due to ill health after 35 years employment, then my father was ill and had to stay here for a few days and basically because of his dementia he kept us awake for a few nights. Then I went walking and have this very unpleasent sensation. It is a feeling of rising epigastric pressure that last for around 20 secs and then goes, it is so unpleasent it makes me constantly think wether it is heart orientated but the otherside of me thinks it may be due to an abnormal breathing pattern due to elevated anxiety levels. Can anybody identify with this sensation, it tends to start with a fatigue like feeling and then it kicks in. I have noticed it may occur if I am trying to control my breathing pattern so maybe it is a form of airhunger.

Please help if you can because I can not explain it and my mind keeps thinking maybe it is angina which isnt helping my stress levels.

Thanks everybody

kawasaki kid
10-02-09, 12:57

Sorry to hear your having what sounds like a really bad time at the moment mate........hopefully things will pick up a little for you soon.....

I dont reacon your heart thing you've been feeling is angina....i heard that is really painfull and you pass out......your probably right in your other suspissions mate......that its all a combination of everything thats been happening in the last few weeks........and thats a lot.........maybe if your unsure mate jus go have a few words with doc and let him guide you...

if you need a chat mate just pm me.....

hope you feel a bit better soon
