View Full Version : Fibromyalgia and rehab!!

10-02-09, 11:22

Some of you will already know, i am going into rehab on Friday for my fibromyalgia, I am sooo scared.
The docs hope this will help my pain and mobility. The whole idea scares me, the new building i have never been to, the new faces, the pain that they will have to put me through. I cant even tolerate a hug from my children at times, so the thought of them pulling me about makes we want to cry.

I have many times been in here moaning and crying with pain, I cannot thank you enough for putting up with me.

Thank you again.

Karen xxxx:flowers:

10-02-09, 12:05
just remember they're doing this to try to help your pain so just think about the long run. It must be awful to not be able to cuddle your children without being in pain so keep their faces in your mind! Good luck and let us know how u get on xx

10-02-09, 16:37
I suffer from fibromyalgia also and I sincerely wish you all the very best with the treatment.... they will be understanding and how great it will be in the long run to feel better..Let us know how you go hun. X

10-02-09, 23:28
hi daisy hun wishin you the best of luck for friday hunny ill be thinkin of ya and u know where i am hun anytime ok,lookin forward to monday cant wait.Love and hugs to you my mate

thinkin of ya h xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-02-09, 17:23
Hi All

Well i went....The place was beautiful and nothing like a hospital at all. The doctor i saw was incredibly experienced which put me at ease immediatly.

Sadly i was told the fibro isnt the worst of it, The hypermobility i have is in fact Benign Familial Hyperflexibility or EDS, this is part of my brain which isnt working to tell my muscles and joints what to do. I am so upset, not just for me but for my daughter, i was told that it is highly likely she will also have this. I blame myself, i can not allow her to go through this pain and discomfort. I havent told her yet, how can i?!

The doc wants me to spend 2 weeks in intensive therapy to retrain my brain amongst other things, i am having special things made for my feet and different medication. Sounds attractive huh?!
So after many tears, i have decided i WILL do this, not for me but for my daughter, if i can do this i may find ways to prevent this horrible illness ever taking over her life as it has mine.

I am worried my husband will leave me, im worried i cant cope, im worried about my children.....

Sorry lost it for a moment, but (excuse my language) F*** it, I am gonna do this, I WILL fight this, i may never win the battle but I will force myself to make this manageable.

Sorry for going on but i needed to ramble. All of you who are reading this. Whatever your "disablility" whatever your anxiety/thoughts/issues....just fight it, DO NOT let it win!!!!!! Take back the ownership of your lives.

I will need you guys more now than i ever have, and i know you will be there. So i thank you in advance for your support and kindness, and im sorry in advance for the crying, anger and frustration.

Karen xxxxx:flowers:

13-02-09, 17:53
Daisy hun u r so strong and u can do this.I will be with you every step of the way u know that and if ever u need me u know where i am.I will be behind u 100percent and you are so strong u will cope with the support from your family and friends.Ok thats me done but remember hunny anytime u need me day or night just ring.You are a great friend to me and i will help u in anyway i can xx

13-02-09, 18:16
darlin your strong and youve proven that.
youve got friends here hun let us support you you dont have to be alone in this.

Vanilla Sky
13-02-09, 18:18
Hi Daisy, im glad it went well for you today. Im sorry you now have to deal with the fact ur daughter may have it .Its NOT you fault you cannot blame yourself. The fact you are doing the 2 week intensive with the thought of her to spur you on is good in many ways. You will have experience and knowledge to pass on to her. Try not to worry to much about the what ifs for now ( not easy i know!) focus on doing this, we are all behind you , i know we dont know each other that well, but the one thing we do have in common is we need to come in to give and recieve support. youv helped others let them help you darling, much love to you daisy, your good friend heidi says you are strong and i believe that, someone like you doesnt go through a battle without coming out stronger, loving thoughts paige x x

13-02-09, 20:17
Thank you all so much...not helping with the crying guys, making me do it more.

Love you all so much xxxxxxx

14-02-09, 00:50
Just came across this and wanted to say Daisy don't blame yourself, everyone will understand that none of it is your fault and you would change everything if you could. Hope you're ok, and good luck with everything xx

15-02-09, 11:12

My son who is 19 has just this last Tuesday been diagnosed with FMS.
His Rheumatologist wants him to go into Rehabilitation by going into Hospital with possible cortisone injections. I have my concerns on this. Hoping of course it won't make him feel worse........as when he does do some activities he feels worse for a few days after. However he assured me it will be very closely monitored.

I hope your stay goes well for you. Are there any other people out there that has gone through this to help their FMS? He is in his early stages. He injured his back on the 16th October, 2008 and already has now been diagnosed. So early stages as most people have it quite a lot longer than that before being diagnosed.

Any information would be grateful.
BTW we are in Australia?

Thank you