View Full Version : Hello everyone

10-02-09, 12:55
Hello everybody,

I have joined this site today in the hope of im not suffering alone and hope to speak with everyone with the same problem, This is about me.....

My name is Charlotte Iam 24 years old, I live with my fiance and we have 2 boys Alfie aged 3 and George aged 10 months,

My problems started when i was 19, I went to undergo a laparoscopy, a simple operation where they go through your belly button but the thing is when they injected me to go to sleep they injected me with the wrong thing, and so i was paralised i couldnt breath and i couldnt move, i thought i was going to die,
I was aware of everything of what happened to me, and a tube went down my throat and a machine took over my breathing, I was scared out of my mind!

To this day i have suffered since i was 19, so i have suffered 5 years,

Everyday is a struggle, I feel iam going to die i go dizzy, my partner cant cope he said iam hard to live with, We have been together 4 years now, And we dont go out, im scared to go out anywhere or do anything, If i go to the shops i feel all dizzy and feel so faint this then starts my anxiety off,

I hate going to bed, i fear everything everyday, I constantly live at the doctors to, but they just say take this pill and take that pill, They have offered me a anti depressant today but i wont take it iam so scared of the side effects,

Thank you for reading about me, I hope to chat to you all very soon


10-02-09, 13:25
Wow thank you ever so much i shall have to go and have a look,

This site looks amazing, and this is just what i needed, Iam so glad i have found that iam not alone in this,

Thank you for letting me be a member :D x

10-02-09, 20:34
Hi and Welcome :welcome: you"ll find lots of support here its a brilliant site. luv Suzy

10-02-09, 20:52
Welcome to the site Lilcharlie... glad you have found your way here, you will get loads of help and support from people here. XX

10-02-09, 21:50
Hi Charlotte, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear that you've been through such a difficult time.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

10-02-09, 22:26
Thank you all for your lovely warm welcomes! I feel so comforatble talking to you all and i feel i can just get all my problems out in the open on here,

So thank you so much, And thanks to google as i wouldnt of found this site without searching for help today xx

10-02-09, 22:39
hiya welcome. i suffer anxiety and panic attacks but not bought on by anything like u had to go through. its a great site to be a member off. I find it very helpful hope u do. Always here to listen.

10-02-09, 23:23
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

11-02-09, 00:05
Hi and :welcome: to NMP

So sorry to hear that you went through such a bad expierence.
I am sure you will like it here as there is so much information, support and help.


12-02-09, 22:35
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx