View Full Version : Hi and thanks

10-02-09, 13:41

first let me say, just finding this website and reading about experiences of symptoms made me feel better the other day when I was feeling iffy! :)

I had my first panic attack over 20 years ago, when i had a stressful job in London. Luckily a locum GP spotted it - I didn't have a clue what it was then - i just thought I was dying! She gave me valium which i never took! I gradually weened myself back on the train and worked there another 2 1/2 years before quitting and going freelance. A couple of years later I had my second bout of attacks (sitting in a cafe with friends) and got on a course of CBT. The course of CBT seemed to end abruptly (NHS!), and the therapist kept on at me about the 'trigger' which I could never come up with - my attacks usually come out of the blue. But it was useful, despite the homework (tho by the time I got the treatment, i was feeling a lot better anyway).

However reading your website the other morning i sussed that my panicky feelings that morning were probably brought on by a hangover! A vicious circle of symptoms, panic, more symptoms etc. Yes, I self-medicate with booze (but I don't drink in the daytime yet). I also take tablets for thyroid tho the doc has never mentioned any connection between this and the attacks.

I'd say I cope reasonably well most of the time, but if I go to a strange place I sweat a lot and get short of breathe - but I don't want to imprison myself and force myself to get out and about (and i do actually enjoy myself sometimes! and feel a sense of achievement). Anyroad - enough of the ramble - I shall be reassured whenever I get weird symtoms by popping into this forum and seeing there are other sufferers out there like me - and if I can be of any help too!


10-02-09, 13:49
Hi Freddo

Welcome along to NMP :yesyes: It's lovely to see you here and i am glad you found us.


10-02-09, 21:44
Hi Freddo, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

10-02-09, 23:24
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

10-02-09, 23:59
Hi Freddo and :welcome: to NMP

I am sure you will soon feel at home here as there is so much advice, support and information. Chat is a great place to meet new friends


12-02-09, 22:36
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx