View Full Version : head pains

16-07-05, 22:01
hi all im new 2 this and im not sure if i no what im doing lol.i just wanted 2 no if others have anything simular 2 what i have been having.about 2 months ago i had my first panic attack and it really skared me i was violantly shaking and felt spacy and not with it and dizzy.since then the shakes have stoped about a month ago but i get these weird feelings in my head feels like numbness and pins and needles and pressure on the temples.i still sometimes fell iritable but i wanted 2 no does anyone else get these fellings in the head and is it normal and what can i do 2 help it..oh and i get a weird metal taste in the mouth aswell..

thankyou all and i hope i posted this ok lol


16-07-05, 22:08
hi Russell,

you posted in the right place-no worries :)

the pins and needle feeling in your head is very normal. lots of people get this-it can't hurt you. the metal taste is also quite a common symptom. getting over the shakes is great as it suggests that the worst has passed. do take a look around the forum as it will help you cope with your symptoms..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-07-05, 22:22
thankyou it is good 2 no as i was wodering what it was and was worried.the other thing that has been bothering me for the last few nights im finding it harder two fall asleep as when im allmost nodding off i wake up with the feeling i need two breathe i now it probable sounds silly but its weird as i sort of startle myself awake and i cannot have a nap in the day as i get the same thing happen..i sit relax with my feet up just start to nod off and then i startle awake again.

thankyou 4 your help it has been nice


17-07-05, 03:26
Hi Russel,
Your head is a big muscle and the temples is tension. If you made a fist and held it tight for a long period of time you would feel the tension in your hand and it would tingle. This is much like your head. A massage on your scalp and over the temples makes them feel better. It usually lasts until you accept that it is nothing to worry about.

Very common,
you will see it posted all over,


17-07-05, 19:02

Feel free to pm Sadie about the head stuff and taste in your mouth.

They are fairly common although the taste thing isn't as commonly recognised as the very common head symptoms.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Panic after nap (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4368)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-07-05, 20:23
Hi Russell

My main symptom is headaches and dizziness and my eyes feeling blurry...so I understand how you feel its a horrible sensation and one that is very difficult to deal with i have to constantly tell myself im ok its just anxiety and hey It must work because it gets me thro situations. XKX

18-07-05, 09:22
Hi Russell

I have had these symptoms as well, especially when my anxiety was at acute level. I still get them now and am convinced it's because of my breathing,as I tend to hold my breath without realising which then brings on these symptoms. Try relaxing , lie down and do some diaphragmatic breathing, always works for me.

Take care

Elaine x

18-07-05, 19:19
i would just like 2 say a big thankyou 2 you all for being there 2 help me and it has really helped knowing that im not alone in these simtoms(i no i cant spell lol).im still getting the feelings in the head but not for as long or as bad and i no i will get through it thanks to you all


20-07-05, 00:48
I just wanted to let you know I get the metal taste too, but you are the first person I ever knew of to have it as well. This would scare me so much becasue I had never heard of it as being a symptom of panic, so I thought there must be something wrong...for real.
But after it happening so much during panic for years, I can say it's another symptom.

24-07-05, 18:17
hi all

ive not had two bad a week up until today.i just dont get it. yesterday i felf fine have been eating better.even managed a steak dinner and thats good for me as i dont eat alot but i find if i eat when i get the head pains it helps stop them.

but as i said today i woke up with bad stomach pains and had to run to the loo im not going into detail but it wasnt solid..after that i started shaking on the toilet and had to lie down where i was shaking for another five minutes.lucky i fell asleep and woke up abit better.i just dont get how i felt so good the day b4 then this..its starting to get me down now.

thankyou all so much


25-07-05, 20:58
Hi russell,

Its such a relief for me too to finally find someone else who suffers the same symptoms as me... head pains and metallic taste in mouth. I have headaches etc forever it seems like but it is all just anxiety/stress/tension etc.. as for the metallic tastes I have since found out from Meg that it is infact an anxiety symptom.... but can also be due to food intolerances. dry mouth, sinus problems etc.. I am trying not to worry too much about it....

Feel free to email me if you wish.
