View Full Version : Worried about heart

10-02-09, 18:40
Ok, about a week ago I noticed a little thump in my throat. First reaction was to google symptoms (a universally bad idea it seems). Of course, I found everything from me having projectile leprosy to a bad case of the munchies and I got very, very scared. Also, at much the same time I have a tingly left hand, with pinky and ring finger which is commonly associated with nerve damage.

Thankfully, the tingly has now gone away, but now I'm constantly every so slightly light headed.

I was under the impression that heart palpations, if indeed that's what it is, would leave me dizzy at the moment of the beat, but not constantly. I feel my heart and I've never felt a thump, it's beating normally, yet I wonder about the little thump and the dizziness. My heart appears to be beating perfectly normally. I've heard the thump can be associated with anxiety, which I can quite believe, and am leaning to because I've never felt it, my heart has always seemed constant. I've never felt an irregular beat in my neck or on my wrist.

No matter how much I console myself and calm myself down, it can come right back at me like a case of impending doom and it can completely scare the living daylights out of me if I let it.

Yes, it may very likely be something benign, but I don't know...

I've got a doctor's appointment next monday and I'm scared to death about it.

Can anyone shed any light? :(

10-02-09, 18:47
Hi bacon, It sounds like anxiety to me, try not to worry, im sure your fit and healthy. Going to the the doc will put your mind at ease. Take some deep breaths, have a bath, take your mind off it. easier said than done, i know. Take care :D

10-02-09, 18:52
Many thanks for your response. :) I hope the doc does indeed put my mind at ease.

It puzzled me because I thought that the lightheadedness was supposed to occur immedietaly after, rather than constantly.

I do realise that the initial 'thump' may have brought on the other symptoms as I was crapping myself about it. :(

helen s
10-02-09, 20:05
hello just joined website had health anxiety for 15 years, am lightheaded a lot of the time i can guarantee yours is anxiety, dont let it beat you its a clever disorder! x