View Full Version : heart palpatations

10-02-09, 19:22
Hi everyone,this is my first day on this fantastic site,i have had anxiety/panic for years and the worst symptom for me are the irregular/skipped heartbeats.I can be absolutely fine then all of a sudden these palpatations come and i feel back to square one ,i can't relax i m waiting for the next one to come.I have been and had Ecg's and overnight moniter and a heart scan.The consultant said they were eptopic beats and happen to people with healthy hearts,because im anxious i feel them more and this makes them worse.I rang up British heart foundation and they said the same.So why am i so scared of these feelings? This is the only part of anxiety i cant seem to overcome.Im 40 this year and i dont want to look back on life and regret not doing something because i was scared of anxiety.Thanks for reading this and if you have any advice or tips i would be so grateful xxxxxxxxJasmin

10-02-09, 21:11
Oh Jasmin..I so wish I could give you an answer to these ectopic beats.
I have suffered them on and off since I was your age and I am a Senior citizen now! Sometimes they went away for years and then came back for a few months then went again. They really are harmless and the less time you give to thinking of them the less they bother you. I know that is much easier said than done, but so many people on here suffer from them that you will get lot of helpful advice and lots of support. Please feel free to pm me any time. XX

11-02-09, 14:15
thank you for your reply,i know if there was an easy way out of these horrible anxiety/symptoms then there would be no need for this site.Today i feel like crying because i so want to apply for a part time job in our school but im so scared of having palpitations it stopping me from doing it.I dont want to give in but its really hard. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-02-09, 15:17
I am sure that if you decide to take the job you will manage just fine...remember these ectopics can't hurt you and since you have had all the tests there is nothing wrong with your heart ..therefore the only things to fear are the ectopics... and they can't hurt you ! The very fact that you will be doing a job you enjoy will take your mind off the flippy beats and the less you think about them the less they will bother you. Others on this site have suggested plunging hands into cold water, or splashing your face with cold water, a link to food and digestion etc. I f you go to the left of the page and search for the posts concerning them you will get some good advice. Hope you do apply for the job and really... one day these symptoms will go and until then please don't let them stop you living your life in the way you want to.XXXX

11-02-09, 16:12
thank you Mhairi

11-02-09, 16:20
Hi Jasmin i am just the same I have had palpatations, skipped beats aches and pains sometimes I just don;t want to get up. I have had ecgs, scan 24hr monitor and seen private cardioligist. My gp said its stress and anxiety I have been like this for 3 years I just want my life back. You will be fine they are scary but I was told lots of women suffer from them lucky us!
Take care


11-02-09, 17:20
isn't it sad that we have wasted so much energy on worrying , im determined to not let these feelings stop me from doing stuff.Its so nice to know there are people who understand because unless you suffer from anxiety you'll never know how hard it is to do certain things. Thanks xxxx