View Full Version : i dont know why

10-02-09, 20:57
My name is steve and ive joined this site today, I have been having probelms off and on for a few years. I went to my doctors last week and she has told me I have anxiety. I am not conciously worried about anything in particular, and I dont know what brings this horrible feeling on. It's there most of the time now, sometimes its worse than others but its always there.
I have always been a happy go lucky person and will feel embaressed telling my friends about this problem. I have read all the usual symptoms and i'm pretty sure the Doctor is right. What can I do to make this stop !!!! I'm concerned that when I do come under any real stress or problems then I wont be able to cope. Ive started to feel light headed and pins and needles etc, it's doing my head in. Sorry to sond like a whiner, but this is new to me

10-02-09, 21:18
Hi Steve

Welcome to NMP!

The sad fact is that many of us don't know why, infact i would say the majority of us don't. Like you, i am also a happy go lucky person, very bubbly personality yet i have been plagued with anxiety all of my adult life.

I think what you may perhaps learn here is that you have no need to feel embarrassed, you have nothing to be ashamed of and that you are completely normal.

You would be surpised how many people you talk to on a daily basis suffer with this too in one way or another. It is way more common than some may thing.

Just be yourself here hun! you will get lots of support and advice whilst meeting some lovely people too.

Best of luck to you


10-02-09, 21:19
Hi Steve,

I only joined today as well and I'm the same as you- there is no real reason I can think of as to why this is happening to me now, I don't feel stressed or anxious about anything. Mine seem to come on after a night out but then I can get mild symptoms at any time.
My friends have all been supportive but I haven't told many people- it's very awkward at work and I do sometimes still feel embarrassed about it.
The doctors just try to tell me I must be depressed or there must be something bothering but I can honestly say there isn't.
After reading through this site though I have seen that there are lots of people out there experiencing the same thing and it has been very helpful.
Keep me posted on how you get on.



10-02-09, 21:53
Hi Steve, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

10-02-09, 22:30
Hello Steve,

I joined this site today also, And i suffer big time with anxiety its there every second of the day, I fear everything, If i read a upsetting story or hear bad news it gets to me and i feel so ill for hours after,

I suffer panic attacks and i suffer anxiety, and i have been diagnosed with a depression as from the anxiety this had lead me to have this, Its horrid,

Glad we are all like this together and not alone xx

10-02-09, 22:30
Hey Steve welcome. i know why my anxiety started in the beginning but i could be sitting doing nothing and wham. Nothing sets it off which is what i really dislike because u could sort it out, if u knew wot started it. I hope this site offers u some help. feel free to pm if u wanna friendly ear

10-02-09, 23:20
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

11-02-09, 00:09
Hi steve and :welcome:to no more panic
I am sure you will get a lot of advice, support and information here, it's a great site.


12-02-09, 22:35
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx