View Full Version : Oral thrush! Worried about my tongue and cancer!

10-02-09, 21:23
Ive been worried about my tongue for a while because it is looking white and furry and I have a sensation at the back like ive been eating sand. My doc told me it was mild tonsillitis. I have no tonsillitis symptoms. No sore throat, no swelling on the tonsils, no flu etc... I called NHS direct and told them I was concerned as the doc didn't prescribe me anything and I could feel a swelling at the back of my tongue on the lingual tonsils that cover the back of your tongue, behind your taste buds. It made it feel like I had a lump of food stuck there that I couldnt swallow. NHS direct thought it sounded more like Oral thrush. She said its usually due to antibiotics. I had antibiotics at the end of dec for a week. I also did a day of antibiotics a week or two before that but it caused a bad skin reaction which made me have to stop them. I recall having the weird sensation on my tongue since then. I became paranoid when sticking my tongue out in front of the mirror because one of the lingual tonsils on my tongue (either side at the far back) stuck out more than the one on the other side. I panicked and started prodding it. Then I got Listerine and used it twice a day for a week..... which I have since found out turns it into a breeding ground for yeast.... so DONT do it anybody! Ive started Oral thrush treatment in the form of Nystatin Oral Suspension, but it feels really uncomfortable when ever I use it. I am now really frightened I might have mouth cancer... because I can still see a swollen lingual tonsil on the side of my tongue that feels uncomfortable, but I cant see any thrush covering it. Could the tonsil be uncomfortable from thrush even though it is not visibly covering it. I cannot see the lingual tonsils right at the back of my tongue so I have no way of comparing. I presume the tingling is from the Nyststin doing its work on clearing it.... but I'm scared its not. Can anyone who has had oral thrush put my mind at rest as to what it feels like after applying a treatment?

11-02-09, 08:29
Did you go back to the Doctor's to get the Nystatin? Has it helped the condition?

11-02-09, 09:26
Hello ive had a problem like this as well.. honestly to me it sounds like your doing abit to much probing.. if you spend alott of your time opening your mouth using the musils to try to look at that area in the back of your tongue it will get sore and uncomfortable.. i did that as well.. i was worried about the same things! it looked odd back there to me and it felt uncomfortable...but it made it worse i noticed always trying to look at it...
your doctor would know if it even looked the slightest like cancer.. if he/she was worried about it you would be seeing a specialist that very day... im sure its nothing!.. we have many weird things inside out mouths and throats..i always get weird feeling and sensations i sometimes even have a white coating on my tongue as well.. onetime i tried to brush the white coating off .. and well that didnt work as well as i thought it would :wacko: ... also cancer of the tongue wouldnt be so much of a coating.. it can look realy really nasty... if your doctor didnt look at you like this :scared15: when you opened your mouth im sure you are fine... if your worried about it go back and have it looked at again and if he isnt worried about it try to let it go(easier said then done i know) but im sure you are fine

11-02-09, 17:45
yes, was prescribed Nystatin Oral Suspension. Been using it a day and a half. Dont know how long it takes to start showing results. The swollen tonsil on the side of my tongue (before your throat) is still feeling swollen. I am just hoping that is something to do with the thrush. So scared.

10-11-10, 14:29
Hi, did you find out what this was? I have the same problem and I'm quite worried about it.