View Full Version : Ear Infection? Anxiety? Something Worse?

10-02-09, 23:10
Hi, I found this site a few weeks ago and it helped me understand some of the feelings I've been having, but now that my symptoms have continued on / gotten worse, I felt like I needed to post something to get an opinion from fellow sufferers. I definitely suffer from HA, and have always thought the worst whenever I get sick. I guess I shall get into my symptoms.

I've had a headache for about 6 weeks now, along with dizziness, nausea, burning neck pain that goes down my arm, plugged ears that both leak stringy puss, an extreme lack of energy, and tingling on my face / head. I also have difficulty concentrating / remembering things, which is extremely frustrating because I am a university student. About a week ago I got another scary symptom when I got a permanent black spot in the vision of my left eye. It's about the size of a pencil eraser and it never goes away.

Around this time these symptoms started I had terrible ear pain when coming down from an airplane. Earlier in the day I felt as if there was water in my ear that wouldn't come out. Is it possible the pressure from the flight pushed the water deeper into my ear?

I've had a blood test, some x-rays, and two eye exams and everything has been fine. None of the doctors have been that concerned with my symptoms, but at the same time they haven't been able to explain them either. Is this all stress and anxiety coupled with a possible inner ear infection?

I know I had a severe panic attack on Sunday night in which thoughts of scary things such as meningitis, brain tumors, and other serious illnesses started creeping into my mind once the doctors were unable to discover a cause. I started getting very dizzy, hot, and my heart was going crazy. I know this was a panic attack because after about 10 minutes it went away, but the effects lingered for the rest of the night.

My doctor ordered a thyroid blood test and I get the results of that tomorrow, so maybe I can get at least a little information about what's going on with me. Sorry about my long rant, I'm just worried something is really wrong with me either physically or mentally.

11-02-09, 19:18
I have suffered with ear problems all my life - I've had several lots of surgery including two eardrum repairs caused by frequent flying.
Just after Xmas, I had a severe ear infection and sinnusitis and my ears still ar;nt back to normal. They constantly feel full of fluid and everything sounds echoy. I went to the docs and he said he could'nt see anything - but they cant see the inner ear. I am going back in the next couple of days to ask to be referred back to the ENT consultant. I know somethings not right. I feel off balance and this makes me feel really panicky. I thought I was having a stroke tonight and went into a huge PA, now I feel exhausted and tearful.
Anyway, hope this helps
Judi x

11-02-09, 19:57
Feeling dizzy and off balance can make you feel more anxious in my opinion.
Hope they get it sorted for you real soon!

12-02-09, 03:06
So I went back to the doctor today and she assured me there is nothing seriously wrong with me. My thyroid test I had this week was clear too. She talked to me a lot about anxiety and panic and she prescribed me a one week supply of Clonazepam to see how that affects me. After that I am supposed to go back to her for a more long-term solution.

Has anybody else taken this medication for anxiety and if so what was your experience?