View Full Version : new to the site

11-02-09, 01:29
Hi all - I am new to this site and I wanted to start by saying hello.

For the last 9 months or so - I have been focusing on my breathing. Not so much focusing on the breathing itself, more focusing on the fact that I cant stop thinking about it. - seems a little silly even to write down

Not all the time, it comes and goes (sometimes going for weeks at a time). The severity changes and from time to time it sends me into a panic. When this happens, I get that tight feeling in my chest for a while and it fades away slowly.

Im sure like most of you - it only gets bad when I am bored or have nothing to do. So nights can be bad - last night I didnt sleep at all.

I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this is purely anxiety related - but even though I recognise this fact, I dont seem to be able to rationalise or logic my way out of it. And every time I think I am getting much better - I seem to sabotage myself and think the worst possible scenario and send myself right back to where I started.

Sorry for the long intro - but my question is this. Even though I seem to have this under a certain degree of control - it still seems to be everlasting. I would like to get over it for good.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to cast these thoughts away for ever - or is this something that I should be seeing a therapist about.

Thanks for your help.

11-02-09, 06:33
Hey! I'm fairly new as well... I know exactly what you mean by focusing on your breathing... trust your body. Your body will breath itself, it's automatic. I know I used to be afraid that I was in control of my breathing and that if I stopped thinking about it, I'd stop breathing... that's not what happens! Your body breaths on it's own, so learn to just let go and trust it. =)

I also know what you mean by trying to rationalize your way out of things... I CONSTANTLY over-analyze everything and it drives me mad. I'm working on just stopping my thoughts and letting everything be. A booked called "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle helped me sooooo much! I'd definitely look into reading it...

Know that you're not alone and I'm right there with ya!

11-02-09, 20:28
:flowers: Welcome to the site! Hang in there & keep sharing your thoughts & experiences as we all help each other by being open with our feelings!


12-02-09, 01:46
Ok all -

This is going to seem quite odd, but after months of dealing with this, I am CURED. And the answer was staring me in the face the whole time. I feel stupid for not realising this earlier, but now that I have realised this I feel on top of the world.

I feel so great and I want to share how my thoughts on this breathing thing in a hope that I can help others as well.

My problem was originally that I was thinking about my breathing - I was thinking about every breath. Those of you who deal with the same thing would have felt a little out of breath just reading that sentence.

I had come to realise that there was no physical problem with my breathing. I spoke to a doctor, and he assured me that there was nothing wrong with my lungs. He also assured me that there is no way your body can forget to breathe - as soon as you stop thinking about it your body will just take back over naturally. Here in lies the problem - when will I stop thinking about it.

This is what became my obsession. It wasn’t me thinking about my breath or breathing - It was me thinking about when I would stop "thinking about breathing". What a silly cycle - I was worried about when I would stop thinking about thinking about something.

I would worry myself to the point of full on panic attack. I had trouble sleeping and it was starting to wear on every part of my life. It did get better and worse from time to time, but it was always there - always at the back or front of my mind. I would find myself continually coming up with ways to forget it and spent a lot of time researching the problem on the internet looking for answers.

But then it came to be like a blinding flash. And this is the piece of information or thought that I had been missing.


For me its as simple as that. Why are you worried about thinking about your breathing. Why are you worried about a thought. It is just a thought.
Think it as much as you like. Think about it until the cows come home. Embrace the thought - be happy you are thinking about it. It cannot hurt you its just a thought.

So silly - why this had never occurred to me before. I had built it up in my mind like it was the worlds biggest problem. Something really bad that I needed to overcome somehow. I thought it was really complex and required a really complex solution. But no

Its just a thought - why would you worry about a thought.

Once I realised this and I embraced the thoughts, I didn’t worry about the fact that I was thinking about them. The stress just melted away in a matter of moments.

Once you realise it is not a problem - I mean truly realise it. You would be amazed at the results.

I honestly feel like I am on top of the world. This feeling is great and I want everyone to feel it

I am sorry for the long post, but I just though I needed to pass on this information in the hope that it can help someone else as much as it has helped me.

Its just a thought - why would you worry about a thought. Embrace it


