View Full Version : Tearfulness

11-02-09, 09:06
I am a 30 year old male with HA and cannot stop crying. If anyone asks me how I am I want to cry, if I walk down the street and think about before I had HA I cry. It is very embarassing.
Does anyone else have this and is it a symptom of HA?

11-02-09, 09:14
Sounds to me like you might be abit depressed and anxious .. well health anxiety can make you depressed i know it makes me. ive had those moods as well so i can relate..people have asked me how i am and well its just so frustrating at times i have teared up because i wish i could say yeah im good but well you know.. at times its not so easy to say that... i hope things get better for you.... if you need to talk look me up :hugs:

11-02-09, 09:16
its a classic symptom of anxiety i been like it for days now and ive also got ha not nice

11-02-09, 09:18
can i also add is like malv said a sign of depression best to go see dr and let him try to sort it for you


11-02-09, 09:19
Hi PaulR,
I don't have this, but It seems just like frustration coming out. Frustration of going through the hell of the anxiety while remembering how good you felt before you had it. Don't be embarassed by it mate. It's probably better to let it out than hold it in. Bung on some cool shades so people wont be able to see you cry. :shades:
The one thing that has helped me a lot is to accept all the symptoms, nomatter what they are, just accept them and when they come, go with them, let them do their worse. The symptoms are cowards at heart, eventually they will ease. It's not easy, just hang on in there.

Hope you feel better soon

Mick (in shades and dodgy raincoat)

11-02-09, 09:21
Just to add as well, as amandaJ said, you must go your doctor if you havn't already


11-02-09, 10:54
I have been to doctors. Prescribed me Citalopram which i am to scared to take because of the side effects. He refuses to refer me for counselling.
I am trying to find a safe herbal remedy which may help me.

11-02-09, 10:59
it is frightening to take new tablets, i was given some yesterday and cos i felt so bad i took them there sleeping tabs, there is side effects as ive found out this morning but anything is worth a go isnt it? and if you make it look like trying with the tabs dr will soon give you some councelling this is what ive found anyway hope it goes well for you

11-02-09, 11:43
I was offered medication but refused, I've had them in the past and they have helped. I just decided this time to do without them. It might be worth taking the Citalopram and at least seeing how you feel. You can always stop them if you feel they are effecting you too much. Hope you find some help with the herbal remedies if you decide not to take the Citalopram.


11-02-09, 12:09
I can definitely relate to this - and it has happened to me on a number of occasions. It's difficult to deal with, and as soon as I get that lump in the throat, I'm gone! I don't know how to deal with it, but you're not alone on this one.

11-02-09, 15:44
I can relate to this! I started crying in Morrisons the other week, I almost cried on the bus and I spent 40 minutes last night crying to my mum. If I go a day without crying it's amazing! I have a meeting at uni next week and I'll be amazed if I can get through it without crying.

Getting by..
11-02-09, 15:54
Don't worry about crying or be embarrased, it is nothing more than an involuntary reflex by your body to the stress you are under, if anything you should embrace it as a way to relieve some of the pressure you are feeling! Expressing emotion is really good for you and I for one would be cured if I could just let it all go!

11-02-09, 15:54
I can relate to this! I started crying in Morrisons the other week, I almost cried on the bus and I spent 40 minutes last night crying to my mum. If I go a day without crying it's amazing! I have a meeting at uni next week and I'll be amazed if I can get through it without crying.

Nutmeg, that's because you're shopping in Morrisons! It's enough to bring anyone to tears!

12-02-09, 14:48
Been back to see a different doctor this morning. He is referring me to a counsellor which I'm happy about and also told me to take aconite if I don't want the citalopram. Will see how it goes now but feel better after speaking to him.

12-02-09, 16:18
Yes, I know how you feel.........
I had a Doc appointment this morning and totally lost it. I was so embarrased but she was quite nice. Do you think anxiety causes depression or depression causes anxiety?
It's not good to bottle up though...Take care X

12-02-09, 23:00
Nutmeg, that's because you're shopping in Morrisons! It's enough to bring anyone to tears!

Lol! I hate morrison's I have no idea why though! I might use that as an excuse not to go there again!