View Full Version : update,post op (((mick))))

11-02-09, 11:27
mick underwent 7 hours of surgery yesterday,two-thirds of his liver had to be removed to stop the spread of the cancer,and his bile ducts have been reconstructed.such is the pain that he will effectively be under epidural until friday.he is in intensive care and we cant even send him flowers due to the risk of infection.
in this cold light of day i feel sick with concern and the sheer scale of this is starting to hit us all.they will not give us an estimation of how long he will live these days.whatever you believe,god or no god,any kind words for him will be accepted with open arms and my open,worried heart


11-02-09, 11:33
big hugs to you all and i thinking plus sending good wishes lov sam

11-02-09, 13:15

I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that Mick makes a speedy recover and back with his loved ones asap

Love Lisa

11-02-09, 14:22
Won't forget to remember Mick in my prayers....and yourself Ade.

11-02-09, 20:59
I will keep Mick, his family and yourself in my thoughts and prayers.

13-02-09, 12:44
Prayer is a wonderful thing at such a difficult time and you are all in mine , but please don't forget to keep yourself well and strong also at the moment:hugs: :hugs:

13-02-09, 12:50

13-02-09, 14:10
beautiful,thank you so much that really means a lot
ade x

13-02-09, 14:42
will b thinking ofu all and i hope things improve soon hugs xxxx

13-02-09, 21:44
Ade your such a lovely caring person, I really hope Mick makes a speedy recovery, thinking of him and his family and thinking of you too Ade.
lots of love
Mags xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-02-09, 18:41

I have been away so just saw this. Mick, his family and you are all in my thoughts and prayers during this time of healing. I hope his recovery process is swift and that he will be home soon with all his loved ones.

Best wishes,


16-02-09, 08:58
Ade your such a caring man, mick is lucky to have a friend like you, sending you all lots of love, and hoping for speedy recovery, my thoughts are with you all

Emms xxxxx