View Full Version : Going out of me head

11-02-09, 12:15
There is work being done on two surrounding flats & the noise is driving me insane. I know that it has to be done, but I can't even get out to get away from the noise. I'm being woken up at 8am & it's going on most of the day. I'm in such a state & this is only day 2!! I have just had to tell them to turn their music down as well. When the drilling & banging stops all I hear blasting out then is friggin radio 1.

I can't take this, honestly, I'm pulling my hair out & I can't do anything about getting away from here. Oh God what next? I want to run away as far as is humanly possible, but I can't. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHH

11-02-09, 13:22
Hi Elspeth

I KNOW exactly how you feel, i have had for the last year builders out of the back of me putting up new houses.
They have blocked our road with lorries, vans and their cars everyday, they even blocked the whole road off for a whole week so i couldn't get the car out at all.
I suffer severe anxiety and this made me really bad, there wasn't anything i could do about it in the least so i had to suffer, i dreaded having to go out so stayed in most of the time.

I'm pleased to say that after a year they are now finished, so peace reings once more, but it was extremely hard for me and i'm only just getting over it.

So although i can offer no useful info, just try to hang in there..........it will stop!!!