View Full Version : Fear of Tongue Cancer

11-02-09, 12:35
Last Friday i noticed a pimple sort of thing on my tongue. It was quite sore but nothing to worry about. Over the weekend the area became very swollen and really painfull. This then went down leaving me with a yellow sore and a red patch all around it. Today the pain has died down a lot but the yellow and red patch is still there. I stupidly typed Tongue Cancer in Google and one of the main symptoms is a red patch that wont go away. I freaked out completely and went to see my gp this morning. He's almost positive its an ulcer but for piece of mind took a pic of the ulcer and said to go back next Wednesday for him to take another to compare any changes. He tried to reasure me but obvioulsy didnt do a good job as i know he wasnt 100% sure. Im constantly looking in the mirror hoping its fading and going away. As soon as i get over one thing another pops up and i just feel i cant cope anymore:weep:

11-02-09, 13:12
You should try positive keywords next time you google! Like harmless tongue ulcers.

11-02-09, 13:25
I know it's hard but do try to think of the positive things the DR told you, it probably is a harmless ulcer and nothing to worry about.

Just a tip.........don't google, it's just about the worst thing you can do.:)

11-02-09, 13:27
Hi Mabelina I have been worried over the same thing I have tons of white pimples on my tounge that are very sore and red spots on the roof of my mouth which ive had for nearly a week like you ive googled the big C and like i normally do I fear the worst I'm 33 non smoker and visit the dentist every six months, Ive been run down lately with work and a fear of another cancer i may have ( but thats another story lol ) so I'm really trying to gain some perspective and not to freak out.I think you have give these things a couple of week's before you go to the doc's cos like you they only tell you to come back.
The one thing after another thing I can really relate to and I hate that I always fear the worst and Make myself Ill then I never know If my symptoms are genuine or just through me getting myslef worked up Its just a visous circle.:wacko:

Keep me posted!

11-02-09, 13:39
You should try positive keywords next time you google! Like harmless tongue ulcers.

i like that advice.....never thought of that:hugs: :bighug1:

11-02-09, 19:04
Thanks ever so much for your replies:hugs: Well i typed in tongue ulcers and they say the first symptom is a bud like thing on your tongue. Thats exactly what i had. Im such a hypocite cos i always tell people NOT to google lol. Im still really frightened though and will remain this way until i can see it improving. Also, when i pressed lightly on my tongue (not on the ulcer) it bled a tiny tiny bit. I had a date tomorrow with a wonderful guy i met on a dating site but ive had to put him off cos my heads just else where right now. Such a shame as i havent been on a date for 2 years:doh:

David, yes i'll definitely keep you posted. Thanks again everyone:bighug1: