View Full Version : Very Anxious!!!!

11-02-09, 13:33
I have had my propranalol reduce from 40 mg to 20 mg.Im not sure if Im feeling more anxious at the mo or not.

My tummy has been playing up last couple of weeks,usual thing constipation,spasms and alot of trapped wind which causes alot of pain.:weep:

My gp has given me some antispasmotic tablets which are helping alot,but my mind is going crazy through what if's.I read all about Jade Goody not finding out she had cancer to quite late on and how she had terrible tummy cramp's of course now Im thinking allsorts.A friend of the family has just been diagnosed with cancer to,so I have cancer on my flippin mind and I cant shift it.:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

I have had problems with my tummy for years,and its been nothing major,but its that old brain telling me negative thought's.:ohmy: :mad: :mad:

Its getting me really down,and Im feeling low again.I know its anxiety and that makes my tummy even worse,but what if it is something else,how will I know the difference!!!!!:shrug:

11-02-09, 14:27
sounds like ibs to me. I get it. I describe the pain like being in labour! Does a warm hot water bottle help? Take care x:shrug:

11-02-09, 14:34
Hello Yorkylover,

That is the trouble with us ha sufferers - we are full of 'what ifs' - and find it so hard to deal with the uncertainties of life. I have wasted so many years with all of my 'what ifs'.

Once we have an idea set in our mind, it is almost impossible to shift it, and the more we go around in circles with it the more entrenched it becomes; all part of of the vicious cylce - i know how difficult it is to break this destructive thought process.

If i ever get an old familiar twinge i try to reassure myself that i have been down this road before, and it is nothing more than the same old problem. It is good news your tummy is beginning to respond to the medication you doctor has given you, so hopefully it will continue to improve, and your anxiety will dampen down. Keep on reminding yourself, you have had this problem with your tummy for years, and it is nothing major - just the usual old symptoms. Hope you will be feeling better soon.

11-02-09, 14:40
Hi Yorkylover
Seems we have more things in common that a love of Yorkies. I take 40mg propanalol a day, 2x10mg morning and night and this has been about a year....used to be on 60mg a day. I'm sure you will get on OK with your reduced dose. I have also had intestinal spasms for years...I have had many tests and all they can come up with is that I have a 'loopy bowel' and when it goes into spasm it is so painful that tablets don't do much good(got stuck in a cafe in Glasgow with my sister and literally couldn't get back to the car)!
When a bout is eventually over I am sore and tender for days. Have flatulence, milder pains and constipation most of the time. If, like myself you have had this for years it is benign I'm sure and as you say being anxious makes it worse. A hot water bag and lying flat on my back and trying to relax is my best cure. Hope you feel better soon, and pm me any time.XX

11-02-09, 16:43
Thank you everyone.Im sure Ill be ok,and things will settle down.I must switch off the negative thoughts.:lac:

Some food's trigger thing's off so I need avoid them. :weep: